Need Records from strings

  • Hi,

    I have some records which need to be subtracted.

    Please see the below sql and provide me the solution

    Create Table Script

    CREATE TABLE abc_tmp

    (Path nvarchar(850))

    Insert Records

    insert into abc_tmp values('rptclientrifvdistrictgrantstatuschangelog_MillmanR_9dfb3dfa-081b-48d1-8bbf-81361bbd9cb9')

    insert into abc_tmp values('rptclientrifvdistrictgrantstatuschangelog_MeiA_e472f742-c6a3-4a70-822e-1c5417efb293')

    insert into abc_tmp values ('rptclientrifvglobalgrantproposalbytrackingnumber_BateyK_23eafa59-e222-462d-a08c-27ed8131c274')

    I want records from the strings as below,




    I dont know the exact length for the string.

    Best Regards,


  • hi,

    use this

    to build up you lengths and then use left() and right() as required. Reverse() can also be really useful.



  • I would advise looking up how to do a substring. If the name you need is sonstant you can grab a set number of characters. There is a few ways you can do this you could for example grab the left 15 charachters or you could substring from position 5 through 10.


    If only I could snap my figures and have all the correct indexes apear and the buffer clean and.... Start day dream here.

  • May I ask how you ended up with delimited strings in a column? How is this data entering the system? Tools like BCP, BULK INSERT and SSIS are designed to parse delimited data and load it into separate columns from the outset.

    There are no special teachers of virtue, because virtue is taught by the whole community.

  • You could try this:


    SELECT dbo.fx_SplitColumnText('rptclientrifvdistrictgrantstatuschangelog_MillmanR_9dfb3dfa-081b-48d1-8bbf-81361bbd9cb9', '_', 1)




    (You'll have to format this yourself)

    USE [F1Settings]


    /****** Object: UserDefinedFunction [dbo].[fx_SplitColumnText] Script Date: 03/23/2011 13:40:45 ******/





    /* ############################################################################################################### */


    /* ############################################################################################################### */

    ALTER FUNCTION [dbo].[fx_SplitColumnText](

    @String varchar(500),

    @Delimiter varchar(5),

    @Side int

    ) RETURNS varchar(50)




    Purpose:Splits a string into 2 pieces, returns either side of the delimited string


    Created For:###


    NOTES:@Side = 1 gets what's to the left of the delimiter

    @Side = 0 gets what's to the right of the delimiter


    Created On:12/10/2006

    Create By:MyDoggieJessie


    Modified On:

    Modified By:




    SELECT dbo.fx_SplitColumnText('rptclientrifvdistrictgrantstatuschangelog_MillmanR_9dfb3dfa-081b-48d1-8bbf-81361bbd9cb9', '_', 1)



    /* ######################################### START MAIN PROCEDURE HERE ########################################## */

    DECLARE @NewDelimiter varchar(5)

    DECLARE @strReturn NVARCHAR(50)

    DECLARE @Pos1 int, @Len1 int

    DECLARE @strResult varchar(50)

    SET @NewDelimiter = '^'

    SET @strReturn = REPLACE(REPLACE(@String,

    LTRIM(RTRIM(@Delimiter)), '^'),' ', '')

    SET @Len1 = LEN(@strReturn)

    SET @Pos1 = CHARINDEX(@NewDelimiter,@strReturn)

    IF (@Side = 1)


    SET @strResult = LEFT(@strReturn, @Pos1-1)




    SET @strResult = RIGHT(@strReturn, @Len1 - @Pos1)


    /* ########################################## END MAIN Function HERE ########################################### */

    RETURN @strResult


    SELECT dbo.fx_SplitColumnText('10622.97 to 8000', 'to', 1)



    ______________________________________________________________________________Never argue with an idiot; Theyll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience

  • Try this,

    CHARINDEX will help u

    CREATE TABLE #abc_tmp

    (Path nvarchar(850))

    insert into #abc_tmp values('rptclientrifvdistrictgrantstatuschangelog_MillmanR_9dfb3dfa-081b-48d1-8bbf-81361bbd9cb9')

    insert into #abc_tmp values('rptclientrifvdistrictgrantstatuschangelog_MeiA_e472f742-c6a3-4a70-822e-1c5417efb293')

    insert into #abc_tmp values ('rptclientrifvglobalgrantproposalbytrackingnumber_BateyK_23eafa59-e222-462d-a08c-27ed8131c274')

    Select SUBSTRING(Path,0, CHARINDEX('_',Path) ), * from #abc_tmp

    DROP TABLE #abc_tmp


  • parthi-1705 (3/23/2011)

    Try this,

    CHARINDEX will help u

    CREATE TABLE #abc_tmp

    (Path nvarchar(850))

    insert into #abc_tmp values('rptclientrifvdistrictgrantstatuschangelog_MillmanR_9dfb3dfa-081b-48d1-8bbf-81361bbd9cb9')

    insert into #abc_tmp values('rptclientrifvdistrictgrantstatuschangelog_MeiA_e472f742-c6a3-4a70-822e-1c5417efb293')

    insert into #abc_tmp values ('rptclientrifvglobalgrantproposalbytrackingnumber_BateyK_23eafa59-e222-462d-a08c-27ed8131c274')

    Select SUBSTRING(Path,0, CHARINDEX('_',Path) ), * from #abc_tmp

    DROP TABLE #abc_tmp

    VERY clever use of "0" for the second operand to eliminate the trailing delimiter, Parthi. 🙂 Most folks don't know that operand can be less than "1". 🙂

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.
    "Change is inevitable... change for the better is not".

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  • That is an interesting use of the start position, but it looks to me like either the documentation in BOL is wrong, or the behavior is a bug. BOL says:


    Is an integer or bigint expression that specifies where the returned characters start. If start_expression is less than 1, the returned expression will begin at the first character that is specified in value_expression. In this case, the number of characters that are returned is the largest value of either the sum of start_expression and length_expression or 0. If start_expression is greater than the number of characters in the value expression, a zero-length expression is returned.

    In this example:

    SELECT SUBSTRING('Test', 0, 2);

    It returns just "T", but the sum of start_expression and length_expression is 2, so it should return "Te". Or am I interpreting it wrong?

  • You can also try below query to get result

    select stuff(path,charindex('_',path),len(path),'')

    from abc_tmp

  • Hi,

    It's worked.

    Thanks for help.

    Best Regards,

    Kiran R

  • UMG Developer (3/23/2011)

    That is an interesting use of the start position, but it looks to me like either the documentation in BOL is wrong, or the behavior is a bug. BOL says:


    Is an integer or bigint expression that specifies where the returned characters start. If start_expression is less than 1, the returned expression will begin at the first character that is specified in value_expression. In this case, the number of characters that are returned is the largest value of either the sum of start_expression and length_expression or 0. If start_expression is greater than the number of characters in the value expression, a zero-length expression is returned.

    In this example:

    SELECT SUBSTRING('Test', 0, 2);

    It returns just "T", but the sum of start_expression and length_expression is 2, so it should return "Te". Or am I interpreting it wrong?

    I think that whoever wrote the BOL article simply forgot about 0 and that it actually is the first "position" to the left of the string. I believe that BOL should say:

    In this case, the number of characters that are returned is the largest value of either the sum of start_expression and length_expression minus 1 or 0.

    If you try other <1 values for the start position on longer strings, you'll see why.

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.
    "Change is inevitable... change for the better is not".

    Helpful Links:
    How to post code problems
    How to Post Performance Problems
    Create a Tally Function (fnTally)
    Intro to Tally Tables and Functions

  • Jeff Moden (3/23/2011)

    parthi-1705 (3/23/2011)

    Try this,

    CHARINDEX will help u

    CREATE TABLE #abc_tmp

    (Path nvarchar(850))

    insert into #abc_tmp values('rptclientrifvdistrictgrantstatuschangelog_MillmanR_9dfb3dfa-081b-48d1-8bbf-81361bbd9cb9')

    insert into #abc_tmp values('rptclientrifvdistrictgrantstatuschangelog_MeiA_e472f742-c6a3-4a70-822e-1c5417efb293')

    insert into #abc_tmp values ('rptclientrifvglobalgrantproposalbytrackingnumber_BateyK_23eafa59-e222-462d-a08c-27ed8131c274')

    Select SUBSTRING(Path,0, CHARINDEX('_',Path) ), * from #abc_tmp

    DROP TABLE #abc_tmp

    VERY clever use of "0" for the second operand to eliminate the trailing delimiter, Parthi. 🙂 Most folks don't know that operand can be less than "1". 🙂

    This is the second subtle T-SQL thing I've learned today 🙂 - today is looking like a very good day indeed! 😀

    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server 2008
    Author - SQL Server T-SQL Recipes

    If you can't explain to another person how the code that you're copying from the internet works, then DON'T USE IT on a production system! After all, you will be the one supporting it!
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  • Jeff Moden (3/24/2011)

    I think that whoever wrote the BOL article simply forgot about 0 and that it actually is the first "position" to the left of the string. I believe that BOL should say:

    In this case, the number of characters that are returned is the largest value of either the sum of start_expression and length_expression minus 1 or 0.

    I agree, otherwise 1 and 0 would mean the same thing. But it is possible that they wanted that behavior to make it easier to use/read. Say you want to reduce the number of characters returned by 6 put -6 in the starting position. As it is now you have to use -5 which is less intuitive.

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