Need help with SSIS Package

  • Hi I got a scenario where

    I have four tables

    Table A , Table B,Table C, Table D and Table E

    Table A sturcture will be like


    Table B


    Table C


    Table D


    Now here i got to design an SSIS package which will do inserts for new records and updates for updated records into table E

    Logic is like if TableA.ID!=TableB.ID and TableA.DateAdded>=TableB.Date created

    then Insert into Table E

    else if and TableC.updatedDate>TableD.lastUpdatedDate

    then update that ID in table E

    I tried to use Lookup transformation or conditional split but wasn't successful.

    Can any one suggest me the right path to think for this please.

  • You have 3 tables, A, B, C, D, and E? :hehe:

    I'm sure that there is more to your Table Structure than you provided.

    Please provide and click on the first link in my signature block. 🙂

    Why do you have to do this in SSIS?

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  • Create Table A


    Name varchar(5) null,

    ID Int null,

    DateCreated Datetime null


    insert into A

    Values('Card',1,'2011-09-02 13:48:22.320')

    insert into A

    Values('Comm',2,'2011-09-01 12:35:12.367')

    insert into A

    Values('Synt',3,'2011-09-02 11:20:36.128')

    insert into A

    Values('Rubi',4,'2011-09-02 09:48:23.417')

    Table A is the actual Table

    Table B

    Create Table B


    ID int null,

    LastInsert Datetime Null


    insert into B

    Values(1,'2011-09-02 13:48:22.320')

    Table B Contains the values of the last insert that happened in the table A. So with the above information we have (this is not a logged operation we do it manually after we run the package)


    1 -- '2011-09-02 13:48:22.320'

    in Table B

    Now we make a change in Table A for Id =2

    Update A

    Set Name='Royy' where id=2

    and this update is done at 2011-09-02 14:01:48.150

    Now we have that loged in Table C

    Create table C


    ID int null,

    UpdatedDate datetime null


    Insert into C

    Values(2,'2011-09-02 14:01:48.150')

    Now we have that loged into Table C as each and every update are logged into Table C automaticaly

    Table D is the table which has the last Update information from Table C

    Initialy we don't have anything in table D but when we couple of updates don then this Table will get filled up with the last update

    (this is not a logged operation we do it manually after we run the package)

    For now we have

    Create table D


    ID int null,

    LastUpdatedtime datetime null


    Insert into D

    Values(2,'2011-09-02 14:01:48.150')

    --- Now here is the scenario

    Initially we copied the entire data From Table A to Table E(same structure Of Table A)

    Now we had an insert an update in table A



    insert into A

    Values('Rag',5,'2011-09-02 14:09:28.567')

    Update--(update done at 2011-09-02 14:11:06.503)

    Update A

    Set Name='Synn' where id=3

    Now this update is logged into table C

    Table C gets filled with


    3---2011-09-02 14:11:06.503

    Now i got to insert into table E based on the below condition

    if table!= Table and A.dateadded>b.inserteddate

    then we have to insert that record into table E

    and if and c.updateddate>d.lastupdated

    then we have to update that records into table E

  • I'm not sure where your getting your values from but basically you want to do the following.

    For the INSERT Perform an INSERT followed by a JOIN of all tables and a WHERE CLAUSE.

    For the UPDATE you have an UPDATE, SET and a FROM and JOIN the Tables and include a WHERE Clause.

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