Need explanation for this.

  • create table #Security


    id int primary key identity(1,1),

    [Security Id] varchar(20),


    insert into #Security([Security Id])

    select 'Sec12345' union all

    select 'Sec12346' union all

    select 'Sec12347' union all

    select 'Sec12348' union all

    select 'Sec12349' union all

    select 'Sec12350' union all

    select 'Sec12351' union all

    select 'Sec12352' union all

    select 'Sec12353' union all

    select 'Sec12354' union all

    select 'Sec12355' union all

    select 'Sec12356' union all

    select 'Sec12357' union all

    select 'Sec12358' union all

    select 'Sec12359' union all

    select 'Sec12360' union all

    select 'Sec12361' union all

    select 'Sec12362' union all

    select 'Sec12363' union all

    select 'Sec12364' union all

    select 'Sec12365'

    create table #SystemMappedSecurity


    map_id int primary key identity(1,1),

    SecurityId varchar(20),

    SystemId int


    insert into #SystemMappedSecurity(SecurityId,SystemId)

    select 'Sec12356',2 union all

    select 'Sec12362',1 union all

    select 'Sec12345',1 union all

    select 'Sec12349',3

    -- Column name in subquery should be [SecurityId]

    select * from #Security where [Security Id] in (select distinct [Security Id] from #SystemMappedSecurity)

    Here I am expecting an sql error 'Invalid Column Name', but there is no error and sql server executes the query without any problems and all the records from #Security table are returned. Why such odd behaviour?

    Does anyone have an explanation for this? I am running this query in sql server 2012.

  • A subquery can refer to a column in the outer/main query. Thus, SQL is comparing the column to itself. You need to prefix the column with the local table alias to make sure you are referencing a column in the local table.

    Edit: That is:

    select s.* from #Security s where s.[Security Id] in (select distinct sms.[Security Id] from #SystemMappedSecurity sms)

    Then you'll get the error you expect, and can correct it.

    SQL DBA,SQL Server MVP(07, 08, 09) "Money can't buy you happiness." Maybe so, but it can make your unhappiness a LOT more comfortable!

  • ScottPletcher (10/9/2015)

    A subquery can refer to a column in the outer/main query. Thus, SQL is comparing the column to itself. You need to prefix the column with the local table alias to make sure you are referencing a column in the local table.

    Edit: That is:

    select s.* from #Security s where s.[Security Id] in (select distinct sms.[Security Id] from #SystemMappedSecurity sms)

    Then you'll get the error you expect, and can correct it.

    This is one reason I like to alias all my tables and refer to the columns using the alias for all of them. I've been bitten by this exact situation myself.

  • ScottPletcher (10/9/2015)

    A subquery can refer to a column in the outer/main query. Thus, SQL is comparing the column to itself. You need to prefix the column with the local table alias to make sure you are referencing a column in the local table.

    Edit: That is:

    select s.* from #Security s where s.[Security Id] in (select distinct sms.[Security Id] from #SystemMappedSecurity sms)

    Then you'll get the error you expect, and can correct it.

    Thanks for explaining this in such simple words. Now I will do the same for my fellow colleagues. 🙂

  • You're welcome!

    Ooh, one last interesting thing. If both the "local" table and the "outer" table have a column with that name, SQL will use the "local" ("closer") table. For example:

    CREATE TABLE #a ( col1 int, col2 int ) INSERT INTO #a VALUES(1,1),(2,2);

    CREATE TABLE #b ( col1 int ) INSERT INTO #b VALUES(1);

    SELECT * FROM #a a WHERE col1 IN (SELECT col1 FROM #b b);

    --will list only col1=1, since that's all that appears in b.col1. But this:

    SELECT * FROM #a a WHERE col2 IN (SELECT col2 FROM #b b);

    --will list both 1 and 2; since #b doesn't contain col2, it's comparing to itself, as we've seen.



    SQL DBA,SQL Server MVP(07, 08, 09) "Money can't buy you happiness." Maybe so, but it can make your unhappiness a LOT more comfortable!

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