Need a way to speed up this SP. Causing occasional deadlocks Help

  • The situations is this, a table is pre-populated with special numbers (not always sequential). A salespoint will will request a number from this table. When it does, the ckd_out_to column is changed from the default -1 to the salespoint's number. Only one salespoint can have this number.

    Under extreme load, deadlocks begin to happen, and the call itself takes too long. Below is the table structure and the SP we are using (The reason num_assign is char is complicated but we are stuck with it)

    We are open to Any ideas however radical!

    Many Thanks in advance



    CREATE TABLE [assignno] (

     [num_assign] [char] (17) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NOT NULL ,

     [ckd_out_to] [int] NOT NULL ,

     [assign_gst] [numeric](17, 0) NOT NULL ,

     [assign_pas] [numeric](17, 0) NOT NULL ,

     [num_source] [int] NOT NULL ,

     CONSTRAINT [assignno_num_assign] PRIMARY KEY  CLUSTERED



    &nbsp  ON [PRIMARY] ,

     CONSTRAINT [CK_assignno_notempty] CHECK (len([num_assign]) > 0)

    ) ON [PRIMARY]



    ** Retrieve a new assign_no from the assignno table


    CREATE PROCEDURE [siriussp_get_assignno]

      @tnSalesPoint int,

      @tnNum_Source int,

      @NewAssign char(17) output


    set nocount on

    if @tnNum_Source is NULL


        begin transaction

        set @NewAssign=(select cast(min(cast(num_assign as numeric(17,0))) as char(17)) from assignno (serializable) where ckd_out_to=-1)

        update assignno set ckd_out_to=@tnSalesPoint where num_assign=@NewAssign

        commit transaction




        begin transaction

        set @NewAssign=(select cast(min(cast(num_assign as numeric(17,0))) as char(17)) from assignno (serializable) where ckd_out_to=-1 and num_source = @tnNum_Source)

        update assignno set ckd_out_to=@tnSalesPoint where num_assign=@NewAssign

        commit transaction



  • Could you please specify what other indexes are on this table?

  • There is an index on ckd_out_to. Funny that that didn't come over from QA's Script Object to Clipboard command ...

  • I see from your script that you are using 'num_assign' assign field for both min() and where in update. Could you possibly create an unique index on that column? Depending on how often the data is inserted into this table - you might make 'num_assign' your clustered index field. Hope this helps

  • The problem is that your selects are using different access paths than the update uses and this will cause deadlocks in a system with significant usage.  If you do as listed below you should minimize the number of deadlocks to only those that may occur due to two simultaneous calls using different paths.  If most of the calls to the proc have @tnNum_Source as NULL or as real value then there should be very few deadlocks.  There are other options as well to eliminate deadlocks but they would involve table structure changes.  One final thing I might put forward is that if the num_source column contains a sequential series of values and the range is known, you could set a null @tnNum_Source to a random value in that range and then only have the single access path for updates.

    Try the following:

    1. Make the PK nonclustered

    2. Drop the index on ckd_out_to

    3. create idx1 on (ckd_out_to asc, num_assign asc)

    4. create idx2 on (ckd_out_to asc,num_source asc, num_assign asc)

    5. Rewrite the proc as follows:

    CREATE PROCEDURE siriussp_get_assignno

      @tnSalesPoint int,

      @tnNum_Source int,

      @NewAssign char(17) output



     IF @tnNum_Source IS NULL



        UPDATE assignno with (rowlock)

          SET ckd_out_to = @tnSalesPoint

            , @NewAssign = num_assign

         WHERE ckd_out_to = -1

           AND num_assign = (SELECT TOP 1 num_assign

                              FROM assignno WITH (ROWLOCK, SERIALIZABLE, INDEX(idx1))

                               WHERE ckd_out_to = -1

                              ORDER BY ckd_out_to, num_assign)






        UPDATE assignno WITH (ROWLOCK)

          SET ckd_out_to = @tnSalesPoint

            , @NewAssign = num_assign

         WHERE ckd_out_to = -1

           AND num_source = @tnNum_Source

           AND num_assign = (SELECT TOP 1 num_assign

                              FROM assignno WITH (ROWLOCK, SERIALIZABLE, INDEX(idx2))

                               WHERE ckd_out_to = -1

                                 AND num_source = @tnNum_Source

                              ORDER BY ckd_out_to, num_source, num_assign)




    Ian Dundas
    Senior IT Analyst - Database
    Manitoba Public Insurance Corp.

  • Would the following be a simpler/faster way for the 1st update.  The style of solution could be repeated for the 2nd update also.

    Basically you only want 1 row to be updated per transaction.  You don't seem to care/mind/require that it is the lowest sequence number therefore why sort to find the minimum?

        set rowcount 1

        UPDATE a with (rowlock)

        SET a.ckd_out_to = @tnSalesPoint, @NewAssign = num_assign

        from assignno a

         WHERE a.ckd_out_to = -1



  • Also keep in mind his variable for Num_Source which can be null run one query, not null do the other.

    set rowcount 1

    UPDATE a with (rowlock)

    SET a.ckd_out_to = @tnSalesPoint, @NewAssign = num_assign

    from assignno a

    WHERE a.ckd_out_to = -1 AND

    a.num_source = IsNull(@tnNum_Source,a.num_source)



    That is as long as the minimum doesn't matter.

  • What about this?

    1. Make the PK nonclustered

    2. Drop the index on ckd_out_to

    3. create idx1 on (ckd_out_to asc,num_source asc, num_assign asc)

    UPDATE a with (rowlock)

    SET a.ckd_out_to = @tnSalesPoint, @NewAssign = num_assign

    from assignno a

    WHERE a.ckd_out_to = -1 AND

    a.num_source = IsNull(@tnNum_Source,a.num_source)

    AND num_assign = (SELECT TOP 1 num_assign

        FROM assignno WITH (READPAST, INDEX(idx1))

         WHERE ckd_out_to = -1

           AND num_source = @tnNum_Source

        ORDER BY ckd_out_to, num_source, num_assign)

    That way it skips past locked records?

  • We have decided to go with below. The real change from your suggestions is the repeatableread and readpast hints in the subquery. Incredible speed improvement!

    We are about to implement this in a high load site on a server with multi-processors.

    Does any one see any danger flags with this approach?

    Thank you all for your help!


    ** Retrieve a new assign_no from the assignno table
    CREATE PROCEDURE [siriussp_get_assignno]
      @tnSalesPoint int,
      @tnNum_Source int,
      @NewAssign char(17) output
    set nocount on
    declare @nfound     int ,
            @cAssign   char(17)
    set @nfound = 0
    set @cAssign  = null
    set @NewAssign  = null
    if @tnNum_Source is NULL
        begin transaction
         UPDATE assignno with (rowlock, holdlock)
              SET ckd_out_to = @tnSalesPoint
                , @NewAssign = num_assign
             WHERE ckd_out_to = -1
               AND num_assign = (SELECT TOP 1 num_assign
                                  FROM assignno WITH (repeatableread readpast)
                                   WHERE ckd_out_to = -1
                              ORDER BY num_assign)
       commit transaction
        begin transaction
          UPDATE assignno WITH (rowlock, holdlock)
                SET ckd_out_to = @tnSalesPoint
                  , @NewAssign = num_assign
               WHERE ckd_out_to = -1
                 AND num_source = @tnNum_Source
                 AND num_assign = (SELECT TOP 1 num_assign
                                    FROM assignno WITH (repeatableread readpast)
                                     WHERE ckd_out_to = -1
                                       AND num_source = @tnNum_Source
                              ORDER BY num_assign)
        commit transaction


  • My only concern would be the use of the WITH RECOMPILE.  If this is really necessary I would suggest putting each of the the UPDATE statements into separate procedures and then have the siriussp_get_assignno procedure call the appropriate proc depending upon whether @tnNum_Source is NULL or not.  Forcing a recompile on every execution means that its plan is not cached and this will increase the CPU quite a bit under a high load.  Splitting the proc will introduce a bit more over head but it should be less than that introduces by recompiling the proc every time it is executed.  One thing I am not sure of is if the proc will also be locked during each recompile forcing serialization on its usage.  It is my understanding that this will happen when a proc without the RECOMPILE clause is recompiled  by SQL Server for various reasons.  If this is the same when the WITH RECOMPILE is used, you could be hampering throughput by forcing lock waits on the proc.

    What index chnages if any did you decide on?

    Ian Dundas
    Senior IT Analyst - Database
    Manitoba Public Insurance Corp.

  • Thank you for your help Ian.

    How about this?

    ** Retrieve a new assign_no from the assignno table
    CREATE PROCEDURE [siriussp_get_assignno]
      @tnSalesPoint int,
      @tnNum_Source int,
      @NewAssign char(17) output
    set nocount on
    declare @nfound     int ,
            @cAssign   char(17)
    set @nfound = 0
    set @cAssign  = null
    set @NewAssign  = null
    begin transaction
    UPDATE assignno WITH (rowlock, holdlock)
        SET ckd_out_to = @tnSalesPoint
          , @NewAssign = num_assign
       WHERE ckd_out_to = -1
         AND num_source = @tnNum_Source
         AND num_assign = (SELECT TOP 1 num_assign
       FROM assignno WITH (repeatableread readpast)
        WHERE ckd_out_to = -1
          AND num_source = IsNull(@tnNum_Source,a.num_source)
        ORDER BY num_assign)
    commit transaction

    So far, no index changes were decided.



  • Sorry, without the Recompile of course.

  • Your original requirement stated "A salespoint will request a number from this table."....However you seem to be implementing this as "A salespoint will request THE LOWEST AVAILABLE number from this table."

    Is this necessary, because it is forcing you down the road of putting in a "sort" in your subquery (ie the ORDER BY)...which is a performance hit?


    You say, that a key boost to performance was the introduction of the repeatable read, readpast hints, etc.....would putting that extra structure on the suggestion I made be of benefit, or is it no better/worse than what you have?....I'm interested as a self-education exercise to know how close/far off the mark I am/was on this.


    set rowcount 1

    UPDATE a with (rowlock)

    SET a.ckd_out_to = @tnSalesPoint, @NewAssign = num_assign

    from assignno a WITH (READPAST, INDEX(idx1))

    WHERE a.ckd_out_to = -1

  • Hi Andrew,

    I was hoping that the "lowest available number" was a req we could drop but alas, we needed to keep it. It turns out that gaps in this "check out" table were not acceptable. 

    So with that constraint, we had to do an ordered subquery. We are also trying this without any index changes. What we arrived at was a combination of Ian's Update select and Antares686's "a.num_source = IsNull(@tnNum_Source,a.num_source)" trick to get rid of the two seperate paths.

    Then we opted for the readpast hint to simply skip over records that are currently locked.

    If we didn't have the min num constraint, we would have gone with your approach. Simple and elegant.

    My current fear is if there is any unforseeable downside to using readpast in this scenario. As mentioned before, this is a heavy use scenario running on multiprocessors where the chances of real concurancy is high. I do not have experience with this kind of environment and feel very much like a hack at this point.

    If anyone has any insight to contribute, it would greatly be appreciated.

    Thanks in advance!


  • Thanks for the reply Tim.

    Only issue I can see is if the 'readpast' ends up skipping 'all records' with nothing getting updated.  You may wish to put in a check to see that at least (only) 1 record got updated....and that if this unusual situation arises, that it is reported back to your application...for a possible 'try again please' scenario....(once you hit this issue, the skip-deadlocks might escalate exponentially...just as regular dead-locks cascade upwards in effect...and reporting it back to your application might give you a handle on it's effects on performance)

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