Need a help for SSIS

  • HI,

    SSIS package failing with below error.

    We are loading a flatfile into SQL table.

    Falt column ---datatype --- " DT_str "

    Table column ---Datatype--- " INT "

    so i have used the dataconvestion to convert the datatype and i changed it to "four byte signed intger "

    But still i am getting below error.

    [Data Conversion [48]] Error:

    Data conversion failed while converting column "Col001" (10) to column "Copy of Col001" (55).

    The conversion returned status value 2 and status text "

    The value could not be converted because of a potential loss of data.".

    [Data Conversion [48]] Error: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_INDUCEDTRANSFORMFAILUREONERROR.

    The "output column "Copy of Col001" (55)" failed because error code 0xC020907F occurred,

    and the error row disposition on "output column "Copy of Col001" (55)" specifies failure on error.

    An error occurred on the specified object of the specified component.

    There may be error messages posted before this with more information about the failure.

    Can you please let me know what is the problem?

    Many thanks...

  • without seeing actual data you are trying to load into a table from a flat file it's hard to see what's wrong.

    can you create a small test file, say with only 3 values/lines, and then try to load it into your table. Then show the values in the test file and the error you are getting.

  • Add a data viewer to the dataflow path that goes into your conversion transformation. You'll probably be able to see the bad data that's not converting to an integer.



  • Increase the size of the the text from whatever you currently have. For example if its 10, make it 15 and try. If not, post your data.

  • Maybe, the issue is in your flat file. You can create a example file with some data lines and try to test it. You should also check mapping columns from flat file to your table.

  • HI ,

    When i Add a data viewer to the dataflow path that goes into My conversion transformation. I could not see any data in dataviewer window when ran the package.

    Please suggest.

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