Navigational Keys don''t work in Query Window

  • I am having the most bizarre problem in SQL Server 2005 Management Studio. Navigational keys from my keyboard do NOT work in the query window -- Shift, delete, end, page up, page down, arrows, enter. They do work when I am in other windows in Management Studio such as creating or editing a job as well as in all other softwares.

    I am having zilch luck in searching for help and I think part of it is that I'm not sure what to use for search terms. Does anybody have any ideas on what this problem could be or else what types of search terms to use?


  • I have see that happen in the "new" MS wireless Keyboards when the "FLOCK" key is not in the right state.


    * Noel

  • Do you have a DTS window open?  This happens whenever I am using DTS, but goes away as soon as I close the DTS window.

  • That's it -- it is all about the DTS window. Why? Is this fixable?

  • As far as I know it's a "feature".  Their new DTS implementation is just full of "features".

  • I just reported this on Microsoft's site. I searched their bug report database and didn't see it. Hopefully they will eliminate this "feature" in the next patch.

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