Naming Conventions for SQL 2005

  • I know that there is not a consensus on naming conventions for SQL Server 2000 and earlier, but are there any specific naming conventions for SQL Server 2005?  Are there any of the old 'rules' that run into trouble in 2005? 

    J. Bagwell

    UVA Health System

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  • Microsoft are not trying to force any naming convention on table or object names, if that is what you are asking. The old rules of not using sp_ as the prefix for procedure names and similar rules still apply. One thing that might affect a little is that SQL Server 2005 supports schemas correctly. Therefore the old saying that all objects should always be owned by dbo is not quite as true anymore, even though there is nothing wrong with having them owned by the dbo schema in 2005.

  • Chris,

    Thanks.  That's exactly the kind of information I was looking for.


    J. Bagwell

    UVA Health System

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