Named tabs when exporting to Excel in SSRS 2008.

  • Hi all,

    Having some problems getting SSRS to do what I want when exporting out to Excel. I have a report which consists of two tables, each fed by their own dataset. The first is a top level overview, the second is a client by client breakdown. When I export to Excel, I have the overview on the first tab, and client reports on seven seperate tabs, generated by a page break within client grouping. It exports fine, my problem lies in properly naming the tabs. I want the first tab to read overview, and the rest of the tabs with each client's name. I've gone into page name on the report builder, and it sets the first as overview, but the client tabs, reading from pagename expression =fields!client.value returns the same client name on each tab, so clientname1, clientname1 (2), clientname1 (3) etc., rather than clientname1, clientname2, clientname3, etc.

    Tell me I'm missing something simple!


  • Never mind, got it. I was trying to do it through the table properties, but doing in the properties for the group item worked.

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