my first cursor - almost working

  • this is my first cursor script and it's almost working, but it breaks at the point where I try to execute the following SQL statement:

    ALTER TABLE @Table_Name DROP @default

    the purpose of this script is to retrieve a known list of tables from sys.sysobjects, and using a cursor, cycle through each table to drop its' default constraint. However, the script is failing where the ALTER statement begins, with the following error:

    Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Line 57

    Incorrect syntax near '@Table_Name'.

    If I uncomment out the print @default statement, it returns a list of default constraints, so i know the problem is with the ALTER statement. Please advise. Thanks.

    Script below:

    DECLARE @TableName varchar(max)


    select + '.' + as table_name

    from sys.objects o

    join sys.schemas ss on ss.schema_id = o.schema_id

    where type = 'u' and + '.' + in



























    OPEN getTableName


    FROM getTableName INTO @TableName



    --print @TableName

    declare @default varchar(max)

    declare @table_Name varchar(max)

    declare @columnname varchar(max)

    set @table_name = @TableName

    set @columnname = 'IsActive'

    SELECT @default= --default name

    FROM sys.sysobjects s

    join sys.syscolumns c ON s.parent_obj =

    WHERE s.xtype = 'd'

    and c.cdefault =

    and parent_obj= OBJECT_ID(@TableName)

    and =@columnname

    ---print @default

    ALTER TABLE @Table_Name DROP @default


    FROM getTableName INTO @TableName


    CLOSE getTableName

    DEALLOCATE getTableName

  • You need to use dynamic sql. Start by looking that up in Books Online.

  • That's a pretty broad topic, can you be a little more specific about what I'm looking for? It would be helpful also, if you explained whether that will help me specifically, or whether i will have to throw out the whole script and start again, etc.

  • Start by reading about dynamic sql. See how it is written and how it can be used. Once you understand the concepts you can then ask better questions as to what is next.

    Actually, you are very close to what you need.

  • hxkresl (5/28/2011)

    That's a pretty broad topic, can you be a little more specific about what I'm looking for? It would be helpful also, if you explained whether that will help me specifically, or whether i will have to throw out the whole script and start again, etc.

    You'll want to use sp_executesql.

    It will help you specifically.

    You'll have to modify one line, and add two others.

    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server 2008
    Author - SQL Server T-SQL Recipes

    If you can't explain to another person how the code that you're copying from the internet works, then DON'T USE IT on a production system! After all, you will be the one supporting it!
    For better assistance in answering your questions
    Performance Problems
    Common date/time routines
    Understanding and Using APPLY Part 1 & Part 2

  • BTW, this (an administrative task) is actually one of the few good uses of a cursor. If you find yourself going to a cursor for other data retrieval operations, STOP. Ask for help with doing a set-based solution for what you're doing. Essentially, just forget that T-SQL has support for the WHILE statement.

    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server 2008
    Author - SQL Server T-SQL Recipes

    If you can't explain to another person how the code that you're copying from the internet works, then DON'T USE IT on a production system! After all, you will be the one supporting it!
    For better assistance in answering your questions
    Performance Problems
    Common date/time routines
    Understanding and Using APPLY Part 1 & Part 2

  • Just got this. Appreciate it. I have read that performance-wise, because cursors operate row by row, that cursor based solutions should be used with care, yet because it is an administrative task, involving cutting and pasting the default constraint for each of the 22 tables, I wanted to make it easier, and I wanted to learn programmatic thank you for pointing me in a specific direction. It is very helpful for me to start learning about a broad topic from a specific focal point and then apply the learning iteratively to more and more situations.

    Thank you!!!!

  • check this....


    DECLARE @TableName varchar(max)


    select + '.' + as table_name

    from sys.objects o

    join sys.schemas ss on ss.schema_id = o.schema_id

    where type = 'u' and + '.' + in



























    OPEN getTableName


    FROM getTableName INTO @TableName



    --print @TableName

    declare @default varchar(max)

    declare @table_Name varchar(max)

    declare @columnname varchar(max)

    -- added

    declare @sql_command varchar(max)

    set @table_name = @TableName

    set @columnname = 'IsActive'

    SELECT @default= --default name

    FROM sys.sysobjects s

    join sys.syscolumns c ON s.parent_obj =

    WHERE s.xtype = 'd'

    and c.cdefault =

    and parent_obj= OBJECT_ID(@TableName)

    and =@columnname

    ---print @default


    set @sql_command = 'ALTER TABLE '+ @Table_Name+ ' DROP constraint '+@default

    execute @sql_command

    -- added


    FROM getTableName INTO @TableName


    CLOSE getTableName

    DEALLOCATE getTableName

    Thanks & Regards

    Siva Kumar J.

  • Thank you Siva! I had been working on it and reading about Dynamic SQL for hours yesterday. I'm sure that there will be benefits from doing so but I still hadn't gotten my script working.

    Looking at this, I see quotes around the SQL Clauses which I never did....I am going to try this out in a few minutes. Will let you know how it went. Really appreciate it.

  • So, my statement was very similar, although I was using sp_executesql. (I believe this is interchangeable with EXEC). Also, I believe the word CONSTRAINT is not needed in SQL Server 2008. What I had not done, was put the SQL portion of the statement into quotes, which I can see is improving the outcome.


    DECLARE @sql nvarchar(4000)

    SET @sql = 'ALTER TABLE ' + @Table_Name + 'DROP ' + @default

    EXEC (@sql)

    The error I am getting now suggests that there persists a syntactical error. The @default variable is retrieving all the default constraints as expected but not dropping, getting following error:

    Msg 102, Level 15, State 1, Line 1

    Incorrect syntax near 'DF_ProductGR_IsAct_432K32K'.....and so on for each of the 22 Default constraints.

    Can you sneak a suggestion? Thanks.

  • ooops, I didn't put a space after the quote that preceded the clause DROP. Now I am getting different error that has to do with the fact that one of the tables doesn't have a constraint to drop, so I need to be able to handle that.


  • SET @sql = 'ALTER TABLE [' + @Table_Name + '] DROP [' + @default + ']'

  • Yees, that's it.

    Am I still dealing with Dynamic SQL when I need to add conditional logic so that

    1. after the default constraint is dropped, a second ALTER statement changes the datatype

    2. after the datatype is changed, a third ALTER statement re adds the default constraint.


    DECLARE @sql1 nvarchar(4000)

    SET @sql1 = 'ALTER TABLE '+ @Table_Name + ' DROP ' + @default


    DECLARE @sql2 nvarchar(4000)

    SET @sql2 = 'ALTER TABLE '+ @Table_Name + ' ALTER COLUMN IsActive bit not null'


    DECLARE @sql3 nvarchar(4000)

    SET @sql3 = 'ALTER TABLE '+ @Table_Name + ' ADD DEFAULT ((1)) FOR IsActive'


    At this point the task will be done. Is the solution just a matter of finding which data flow construct to use to complete the Dynamic SQL statement?

  • Not sure I understand the question. From here on out it's just a matter of knowing which tables / columns need to be changed.

    Is that where you need help?

  • I have to accomplish 2 more things once the constraints are dropped.

    2. change the datatype for all 22 tables

    3. readd a default constraint for all 22 tables.

    IE, I do not want to go to step 2 until I have completed step one on all 22 tables. Do I use a control flow construct like Break....Continue between three dynamic sql statements to ensure the complete execution of each step?

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