Multiple Instances of MS-SQL Server

  • john.knight-557608 (10/3/2009)

    PP-564103 (8/31/2009)

    venki.ffcl (12/29/2008)


    Can i have two or more instances of sql server running in my machine and access the same simultaneously. If yes how?

    Please help...

    thank you

    Yes you can have multiple instance running on a single server. If I am not wrong, maximum you can have is 15 instances. Accessing them is by their name. You can have one default and multiple named instance. Just giving server name would allow you to connect to the default and servernameamed_instance would allow you to connect to named instance. Hope this helps.

    I believe the limit on instances per server is 50 rather than 15 as sherry81hi mentioned earlier. Unfortunately

    Yes, my mistake ( I dont know! I always thought its 15)... As per BOL

    Instances per computer

    50 instances on a stand-alone server for all SQL Server 2005 editions except for Workgroup Edition. Workgroup Edition supports a maximum of 16 instances.

    SQL Server 2005 supports 25 instances on a failover cluster.

    50 instances on a stand-alone server.

    25 instances on a failover cluster.

    I am not sure of the licence implications in doing this, i.e. whether one is limited to a maximum number of instances if they have only one SQL Server licence. Can anyone shed light on that please?

    I guess the license is for the product and you should be able to install number of instances on the server. Section 2 of the EULA says this (%ProgramFiles%\Microsoft SQL Server\90\EULA\ or %ProgramFiles(x86)%\Microsoft SQL Server\90\EULA\.),

    b. Running Instances of the Server Software. You may run any number of instances of the server software in one physical or virtual operating system environment on the licensed server at a time.


  • Thanks for the EULA info on the instances, that's useful to have the reference.

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