multiple insert

  • hi everyone, i have the following table

    DECLARE @users TABLE


    userid int,

    username VARCHAR(20)


    INSERT INTO @users(userid,username)

    SELECT 1,'Joe'

    INSERT INTO @users(userid,username)

    SELECT 2,'Smith'

    INSERT INTO @users(userid,username)

    SELECT 3,'John'

    INSERT INTO @users(userid,username)

    SELECT 4,'Simon'

    SELECT * FROM @users

    i want to copy each userid from the above table (@users) into my @state table...

    DECLARE @state TABLE


    stateid INT PRIMARY KEY,

    userid INT,

    userstate INT,

    date DATETIME


    SELECT * FROM @state

    but also insert values for userstate and date for each userid

    anyone have any advice for me.


  • Please could you be more clear on what you wish to do? I cant make any sense out of it.

  • i need to copy all the userid's from the @users table and insert them into the @state table with some other values for example....

    insert into @state (stateid,userid,userstate,date)

    select 1,1,5,'2009-02-09 12:13:50.887'

    need a script to do this for each userid i have in the @users table...

  • from where are you getting these values for Stat and the others (except for the user id.....i know where that from thanks to the explaination).

    If your requirement is to generate the insert statements,then the values for the others also has to obtained from somewhere..As of now, the only values that are available are that of the user ids...anyways I leave that for you to figure out..

    I would just you could go for a While Loop or a cursor to take each record from the table and do the script generation ......

  • the other values i'll add on my own

    can you give me an example of a while loop or cursor?

    will appreciate it

  • ok an example with a cursor...

    declare @userid int

    declare insertcur cursor fast_forward


    select userid from users

    open inertcur

    fetch next from inertcur into @userid

    while @@FETCH_STATUS = 0


    --- put in watever logic is required

    print 'insert into stats values(1,'+@userid+'5,getdate(),3)'

    fetch next from inertcur into @userid


    close inertcur

    deallocate inertcur

    now for the while loop, I ll leave that for you find out.....

  • How about a set based approach?

    INSERT@state( stateid, userid, userstate, date )

    SELECTm.stateid, u.userid, m.userstate,

    FROM@users u

    INNER JOIN SomeUserAndStateMapping m ON u.userid = m.userid


  • Hi

    Agree with Ramesh solution. It is very simple. Never use curosors in SQL Server. They are 30% slower than normal queries.

    Thanks -- Vijaya Kadiyala

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