Multiple executions of same SSIS Package in parallel - Urgent

  • Hi group,

    We have a ssis package which takes the flat files -> applies some business logic -> pushes to a destination table.

    Currently there is a filewatcher on the share which kicks the SSIS package, when there is a new file found in the share. The flatfile name is supplied through the variable to the ssis package and the source connection is configured dynamically in runtime, the destination will too.

    I would like to know is there any limitations or pitfalls with invoking the same package by multiple instances in parallel?

    The destination table will not be the same, at any point of time, even if multiple instances of the ssis package are running.



  • Hi

    As i know you can use DTEXEC function to execute mutilple instances of a DTS/SSIS package

    For each execution you have to create a uniquie guid.

    There could be instances when the shared variables / cache lookups could be overridden.. I am not sure how but thats one of the things to be considered.

    I hope this helps.


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