Multiple End Points on Witness Server

  • have one Witness Server with only Default instance say WITNESS1

    I have One pair of Mirror (Principle and Mirror) say Server1 and Server2 with lots with few databases

    I configured Pricipal Server1 to use Witness1 server on port 12334

    Works fine

    Now I have another pair of mirror which is an instance on Server1 and Server 2 say Server1_Ins1 and Server2_ins1

    Now when I go to configure Server1_ins1 witness server, and try to use Witness1 server as witness it by default accepts ports on 12334 and won't allow to change the ports..

    I assume if I proceed with this proces it will override my exisiting settings of witness server for Server1 and Server2?

    What I want to do is to without installing instances on Witness servers configure it to work with Multiple paired instances

    Is this possible?

    This illustration may help to give you better understaning to what I want to achieve.

    In below example Principal_? are multiple instances on server "server1" and Mirror_? on server "server2"

    Where as Witness server is standalone server with default instance only.

    Pricipal_1 Witness Server Endpoint 12345

    Pricipal_2 Witness Server Endpoint 12346

    Pricipal_3 Witness Server Endpoint 12347

  • As far as I am aware the instance can only have one mirroring endpoint and can in turn only witness one partnership.

    Can anyone else confirm this?

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