Multiple dates

  • I am new to data warehouse schema and i learning about role-playing dimensions. i have searched a lot and regarding to dates in data warehouse, it is always the same type of example they give regarding to dates (order date key, ship date key, ship date key) in the fact table that links to a single date dimension.It makes sense, but in my schema (my schema is bigger but just an example) i have a login dimension (date,start time, end time,duration) that links to the "operator" dimension that links to the sales dimension. the fact_sales in my schema have dates which i assume are to be linked to date dimension (for example "sell date"), but what about the login dimension that have the login date? can i connect it to date dimensions directly or is not supposed to have a connection at all? i have other dimensions with dates as well.

  • How are you using your data warehouse data? If you're using PowerBI or Excel, there's a USERELATIONSHIP() function, where you can have multiple relationships between two tables (like Sales fact and Calendar/Date dimension) and have only one active at a time. Then you can "access" or use an inactive relationship by using USERELATIONSHIP in your CALCULATE function.

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