multipart identifier error message

  • I am using sql 2008. This query is designed to get all patients that were readmitted within 30 days of their previous hospital discharge.. The query runs fine if I comment out the 'inner join' and all reference to 'hid1' fields. I am including the query and error message. Any help would be appreciated... thank you




    hid1.shortname,-- runs ok with this line commmented out





    cv2.visitidcode as PriorVisitId,

    cv2.Admitdtm AS PriorAdmitDate,

    MAX(cv2.Dischargedtm) AS PriorDischargeDate,

    cv2.currentlocation as Priordischargelocation,

    cv2.dischargedisposition as priordischargedispo

    FROM cv3clientvisit AS cv1, cv3clientvisit AS cv2 (nolock)

    inner join cv3healthissuedeclaration hid1 (nolock) on cv1.clientguid = hid1.clientguid -- runs ok commented out

    and cv1.chartguid = hid1.chartguid

    WHERE cv2.clientguid = cv1.clientguid

    AND cv1.Admitdtm >= cv2.DischargeDtm

    and cv1.typecode = 'inpatient'

    and cv2.typecode = 'inpatient'

    and cv2.dischargedtm >= getdate()-60 -- prior discharge within last 60 days

    and hid1.typecode = 'working dx' -- runs ok commented out

    GROUP BY cv1.currentlocation,cv1.clientdisplayname,cv1.clientguid, cv1.AdmitDtm, cv1.visitidcode,cv1.

    DischargeDtm, cv2.clientguid, cv2.AdmitDtm,cv2.currentlocation,cv2.visitidcode,cv1.dischargedisposition,cv2.dischargedisposition,hid1.shortname

    HAVING cv1.AdmitDtm - MAX(cv2.DischargeDtm) <= 30

    **** error message ****

    Msg 4104, Level 16, State 1, Line 3

    The multi-part identifier "cv1.clientguid" could not be bound.

    Msg 4104, Level 16, State 1, Line 3

    The multi-part identifier "cv1.chartguid" could not be bound.

  • try this first..

    select cv1.chartguid

    FROM cv3clientvisit AS cv1

    if that works, make sure when you are doing the join the both col are the same type----ie ( varchar= varchar) not (varchar = int) whenyoua re doing the join

  • This was removed by the editor as SPAM

  • bhutchin (9/1/2010)

    I am using sql 2008. This query is designed to get all patients that were readmitted within 30 days of their previous hospital discharge...

    Your "key" filter is to include patients which were discharged within the last 60 days. But what happens if they have two (or more) subsequent visits since then? The GROUP BY in your code doesn't sensibly account for this - I think you need to decide which rows you should select for output.

    This should help:

    SELECT d.clientguid,

    d_visitidcode = d.visitidcode,

    d_AdmitDtm = d.AdmitDtm,

    d_DischargeDtm = d.DischargeDtm,

    a_visitidcode = a.visitidcode,

    a_AdmitDtm = a.AdmitDtm,

    a_DischargeDtm - a.DischargeDtm

    FROM cv3clientvisit d -- rows with relevant discharge dates

    INNER JOIN cv3clientvisit a -- rows with relevant readmittance gaps

    ON a.clientguid = d.clientguid -- same patient

    AND a.visitidcode <> d.visitidcode -- different visit records

    AND a.typecode = d.typecode -- same typecode

    AND DATEDIFF(dd, d.DischargeDtm, a.AdmitDtm) <= 30 -- 30 days apart, or less

    WHERE d.dischargedtm >= getdate()-60 -- change to time-stripped datetime variable

    AND d.typecode = 'inpatient'

    ORDER BY d.clientguid, d.visitidcode

    “Write the query the simplest way. If through testing it becomes clear that the performance is inadequate, consider alternative query forms.” - Gail Shaw

    For fast, accurate and documented assistance in answering your questions, please read this article.
    Understanding and using APPLY, (I) and (II) Paul White
    Hidden RBAR: Triangular Joins / The "Numbers" or "Tally" Table: What it is and how it replaces a loop Jeff Moden

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