MSDE 2000 SP2 and Maintenance Plans do not work !?

  • Hello,

    like I've already experienced and like it's also written down in KB Article

    Q295022, the SQLMAINT utility is missing in the standard installation of the

    Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Desktop Enginge;

    after having SP2 installed I tried to create a maintenance plan that should

    simply backup one database every minute (just for testing), BUT the job

    history gives me following error:


    Executed as user: NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM. sqlmaint.exe failed. [SQLSTATE 42000]

    (Error 22029). The step failed.


    The job failed. The Job was invoked by Schedule 43 (??????). The last

    step to run was step 1 (Step 1).



    1st) the dialog for editing the maintenance plan gives some strange errors

    after trying to store the modified schedule; something like "error

    converting int to tinyint" or a message with special characters...

    2nd) the dialog for editing the schedule does not store the set information

    correctly; if I setup the schedule to every day and every minute it shows me

    (after closing & re-opening) every 366 days and every 716432 hours.

    3rd) the checkbox "Verify integrity of the backup upon completion" in the

    tab "Transaction Log Backup" is active, even the checkbox "Backup the

    Database as part of the Maintenance Plan" is NOT checked. Unchecking this

    option, confirming the dialog and re-opening it will activate this checkbox


    4th) the schedule name, in the SQL Server Agent Job List, that is associated

    to the Maintenance Plan, contains special characters (see error message


    can anybody help out here? the most recent Anti Virus Software is running

    here and when I use a SQL Server Instance everything goes fine...

    Kind regards & many thanks

    Meik Schuetz

  • This was removed by the editor as SPAM

  • I guess your SQL Server Agent Service is started by local system account. Try to either change it to a domain a/c or run sp_grantlogin 'NT Authority\System' and grant it with 'sa' right.

  • Hi,

    thanks for sharing your idea! We've already contacted Microsoft on this subject and there seems to be a workaround for this problem.

    What you need to do is creating a registry item under the node

    "\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\MSDE\MSQLServer\"

    specifying the default backup path in the registry key 'BACKUPDIRECTORY'- by default you should enter something like

    "Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL$MSDE\BACKUP\"

    Furthermore, you need to create the previously specified directory manually.

    Kind regards

    Meik Schuetz

  • Hi,

    thanks for sharing your idea! We've already contacted Microsoft on this subject and there seems to be a workaround for this problem.

    What you need to do is creating a registry item under the node

    "\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Microsoft SQL Server\MSDE\MSQLServer\"

    specifying the default backup path in the registry key 'BACKUPDIRECTORY'- by default you should enter something like

    "Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL$MSDE\BACKUP\"

    Furthermore, you need to create the previously specified directory manually.

    Kind regards

    Meik Schuetz

  • Can you tell me how you got SP2 installed on the MSDE? We have several projects were we tried to do this but when we go and look at the version number of the msde, he has never installed SP2.


  • Hi,

    after downloading and extracting the SP2 file, you call the setup from the command line as follows:


    where you replace 'MSDE' with the name of your MSDE instance.

    The SP2 Setup could ask you for the MSI Setup from where you installed the original MSDN - so be sure that you provide the orignal SETUP file somewhere.

    This worked for me...good luck!

    Kind regards

    Meik Schuetz

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