
  • Hello ,

    I am encountering an issue with one of the MSDB table: sysjobstepslogs, which occupies 34G.

    I deleted bunch of steps using sp_delete_job_step_log and it seems that it is not releasing the 34G of space and I also removed the steps from

    the sqlagent jobs where it logged info to database.

    Any other idea how I can reclaim the space from this table:


    This is the result from sp_spaceused: sysjobsstepslogs

    row Reserved date Index_size


    0 31251096 KB 31246968 KB 16 KB

    4112 KB

    Thanks Farhad

  • I deleted bunch of steps using sp_delete_job_step_log and it seems that it is not releasing the 34G of space and I also removed the steps from

    Have you checked the table to see if rows are actually being deleted? According to BOL, you would need to use sp_delete_jobsteplog. Below is code from BOL on how to delete logs before a certain date for a specific job.

    USE msdb ;


    EXEC dbo.sp_delete_jobsteplog

    @job_name = N'Weekly Sales Data Backup',

    @older_than = '10/25/2005 12:00:00',

    @larger_than = 104857600;


    Also, when looking at space used - the usage may need to be updated after all the deletions. Here is the code to do so.

    sp_spaceused @objname = sysjobstepslogs, @updateusage = N'True'

    Hope this helps. 🙂

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