MSDB size rocketed

  • Answered that one meself too.

    EM, right click packages, versions, delete.

    I'll have RSI by the time I delete this lot!

    many thanks for all your help Phil.

  • I posted this in the script library ages ago to remove old versions.

    This removes the version and the logs associated with that version.

    It might be an idea to setup a routine maintenance job that clears out the old stuff.


    Colt 45 - the original point and click interface

  • Also, you can "roll-back" to prior versions by opening the old version and saving the package again. which creates a newer version.


    Colt 45 - the original point and click interface

  • Late to this question - new to server and only noticed today that we have a similar problem.

    Reason?  We have an sp that creates new versions of DTS packages by changing the source file name. 

    Works OK, except that no-one thought to drop 'old' versions of the DTS package - table, db and .bak is around 30 Gigabytes  !






  • Rick, so were you able to sort out the old versions?

    Colt 45 - the original point and click interface

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