msdb size!

  • Our msdb database is 1.8 GIG!  How do I determine what is taking up so much space?

    This caused us to run out of space on the drive.  Can I move the msdb database off of the c drive (it's default location) onto a larger drive?  If so, how?

    Thank you.

  • Okay, I was able to move it...;en-us;224071#XSLTH3136121122120121120120

    But I would still like to know why it is so big?  And how it got this way?


  • One thing that is stored in MSDB is a history of backups and restores. Are you doing a large number of backup and restores and not archiving out the information? Job history is also kept in this table so are you running a lot of jobs and running them frequently?

    Just a couple of ideas.

  • You should also take a look at this article. I think it might give you what your looking for as far as determining which tables are taking up the most space.

  • Probably the main cause is DTS. If you store your DTS packages in SQL Server and edit them frequently you can end up with dozens of versions of each package. Add to that the DTS Package Logging and you'll quick get a very large msdb.

    We run a weekly clean-up routine that removes any versions, other than the current one, that are more than 30 days old. It also goes through the log tables and clears out any log entries that are over 60 days old.


    Colt 45 - the original point and click interface

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