Moving Replicated Databases

  • We just moved a replicated database from EMC to 3 Par yesterday. All we had to do was stop replication, shut down the server, copy the database files to the drives with same names, and start the server again and then replication.

    I am assuming that the above approach is necessary if you would like to move a replicated database while the database server is still running - but if you can shut it down, then none of this is necessary.

    Is that correct?

  • Has this been tried with SQL 2005?

  • Andy That is just what I was looking for and worked for me at test system for Merge replication.

    But there is just 1 thing that I can not set it back.

    I am trying to disable to updating system tables :

    exec sp_configure 'allow updates',0




    It seems updated but then i try to rerun the code update sysdatabases set category=0 and it works again.

    so seems like once you set enable updating there is no turning back?

    what may I do to disable it back.

    isn't it a bit risky?

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