Moving Database based on a VB application

  • there is an  vb application that save and manipulate data from inputs (inut objects of the vb )

    the source of the  vb application is not availabel .

    is it posiibel to move the data base to another computer ?

    the vb application devided to several tasks that divided in a local lan in an office each unit gather some data and the data last save on a server

    can i move this data too another computer ?

    with out any source code of the vb application ?

    is there any soft ware to do it ?

    or any sql scripts?

    thanks too help me :wow

  • If the application has hardcoded connection strings, then you're out of luck...

    Fortunately, most apps (at least if they are written by competent developers) make use of some sort of dynamic connection properties.  DSN's, ini files etc...

    If you can figure out where the connection configuration information is stored, then it should be a simple matter of changing it to point to the new server.


    If most people are not willing to see the difficulty, this is mainly because, consciously or unconsciously, they assume that it will be they who will settle these questions for the others, and because they are convinced of their own capacity to do this. -Friedrich August von Hayek


  • If you can't find the connection properties in a DSN, INI file, or anywhere else, there may still be hope.

    If you copy the database to another server (must have the same name), and configure your network so the old server is not visible to the client computer running the VB program, you could use SQL Client Network Utilities to add the name of the old server as an alias for the new server.

    You would also have to make sure you copied the logins used by the program to the new server, complete with passwords if SQL Server authentication is used.

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