Moving data

  • The easiest way to test if you can connect to the server from the client is from the command line...

    telnet <IP Address> <Port>

    EG: telnet 1433

    If it works the command window should go blank with a flashing cursor in the top left corner. CTRL + ] to get out. If not, you cannot connect and thus your problem.

    NB: If on Windows 2008 or 7 you will have needed to turn on tellnet as it is off by default.




  • Entering telnet IP port works however when I try to enter this command "

    select * from serverA.dbo.database1.tableA

    I get the following error?

    Msg 10054, Level 20, State 0, Line 0

    A transport-level error has occurred when sending the request to the server. (provider: TCP Provider, error: 0 - An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host.)

    any ideas? thanks

  • Can you even connect using the management studio from b(dmz) to a(private). That way you can see if your ports are even squared away before you start to play around with something new(linked servers).

  • I tried that but that does not seem to work, our firewall guy has opened the firewall. I have both servers set to allow remote connections. I have tcpip and named pipes enabled on both servers. I don't understand why I'm getting the following error:

    (Named Pipes Provider, error: 40 - Could not open a connection to SQL Server)

  • Hi...

    Your getting the named pipe error because you are connecting to the remote server via named pipes and not tcp/ip.

    The quickest and easiest way to get around this is to setup an alias to your "client" server to point to you remote server. This can be done via the SQL Server Configuration Manager. Drop down "SQL Native Client..." and select "aliases". Right click on "Aliases" and choose "New Alias...". Fill in the Alias name, the Port and the Server Name and make sure you have the protocol set to TCP/IP. The alias name ans server name can be the same.

    NB: On a 64 bit server the is "SQL Native Client 9.0 Configuration" for 64bit and also "SQL Native Client 9.0 Configuration (32bit)". I would suggest setting up the same alias under each to avoid confusion on which one you need to use. You can use the same names for both aliases.




  • Hello everyone,

    Had to work on something else.. back to this now.. I set it up using the alias. I also have the ports open (1433 and a different one). How can I tell if it's set up correctly?

    Can I issue a select statement from serverA db to serverB?

    I'm a little confused on when you ftp connection will be used and when your named pipes connection will be used, can someone explain that for me, and when the port 1433 (or the one you changed it to) be used, when both named pipes or ftp connection is used?

    Thank you,


  • ftp? or tcp?


  • TCP.

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