Move Access to SQL 2005

  • They appear to be local copies of the tables. But for what purpose I'm not sure other than to just "have them".:ermm:

  • That is your safety net. SSMA renames the original tables, so if anything in the conversion fails then you have the option of deleting the links & renaming the tables to their original names.

  • For the most part, I have had success with the SSMA. Since my DB is rather small, SSMA takes no time at all.

    The only thing that I'm still researching is why soes SSMA add the SSMA_Timestamp column on some tables and not others.

    Other than that I'm still testing things.

    I have a sql2005 test box that is doing log shipping to another box and so far so good.

    I'm in the middle of developing a new application/reporting system that will use the sql backend (Access 07 front end which is proving to be quite decent once you implement your own custom ribbon).

    I'd love a web interface but don't have anyone here that could do it.

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