most recent payment query

  • I have been tasked with querying one of the "payment" tables in our database to pull the most recent payment made to each account.

    The table is arranged like this:

    ID           Account #        Description        Date       Amt

    1              123456           Gas Payment     5/8/04    20.56

    2              123457          Deposit Payment 5/19/04  60.59

    3              123456           Gas Payment      8/9/04    89.54


  • Hi,


    select the most recent payment that time thorugh date u can select this


    select * from payment where date between '2004-08-27' to '2004-08-20'

  • That option will not really work since last payment dates range from 2002-present. We have accounts that have not made payment in a LONG time.


    That would get you a result like the following for the above data:

    123456 8/9/04

    123457 5/19/04

    If you need the Description, you can add that to both the select and group by list, however you'll get a record for each combination of account # and description.

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