More Records After Filtering

  • Hi, I had something happen today that I'm having trouble making sense of and I'm hoping someone can clear it up. I have two queries shown below. The second one is almost identical to the first, except there is some additional filtering in the where clause involving a subquery. The strange thing is when I add additional the additional filtering to the where clause in the second query it returns more records.

    I don't understand how I can add additional filtering in a where clause and get MORE records.

    As always any tips greatly appreciated, thanks.

    Query 1:



    p.Patient as 'RH_Patient_ID',







    pra.Id as 'RH_Practice_ID',


    from ProviderPracticepatient ppp

    join Patient p on p.Patient = ppp.Patient

    join ProviderPractice pp on pp.Id = ppp.ProviderPracticeId

    join Practice pra on pra.Id = pp.PracticeId

    join patientidentifiermap pim on pim.PatientId = p.Patient

    where pra.Id = xxx

    and ppp.Relation_Status = 'Active'

    and p.Notification = 0

    Query 2:



    p.Patient as 'RH_Patient_ID',







    pra.Id as 'RH_Practice_ID',


    from ProviderPracticepatient ppp

    join Patient p on p.Patient = ppp.Patient

    join ProviderPractice pp on pp.Id = ppp.ProviderPracticeId

    join Practice pra on pra.Id = pp.PracticeId

    join patientidentifiermap pim on pim.PatientId = p.Patient

    where pra.Id = xx

    and ppp.Relation_Status = 'Active'

    and p.Notification = 0

    --Subquery to filter Patient Affiliations

    and p.Patient not in



    from Affiliation aff

    join Practice_Affiliation pa on pa.AffiliationId = aff.AffiliationId

    join Practice pra on pra.Id = pa.PracticeId

    join ProviderPractice pp on pp.PracticeId = pra.Id

    join ProviderPracticePatient ppp on ppp.ProviderPracticeId = pp.Id

    join Patient p on p.Patient = ppp.Patient

    where aff.AffiliationId != xx)

  • There is a difference in the pra.ID = xx(x) line. Safe to assume that's a typo?

    Offhand I don't see any reason you should be returning more rows. I'd have to be onsite and playing with it to figure out what the data pattern is doing that's so odd.

    I'd start, however, by dropping both lists to separate temp tables and figuring out what the outlier rows look like. Hopefully that will provide hints as to why you're seeing this result.

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  • Hi Craig, thanks for getting back to me so quickly. Yes, you are correct the should match, that's a type-o.

  • I've got nothing either. You'd think, logically, adding additional AND logic would result in further filtering, not the addition of more data.

    ----------------------------------------------------The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood... Theodore RooseveltThe Scary DBAAuthor of: SQL Server 2017 Query Performance Tuning, 5th Edition and SQL Server Execution Plans, 3rd EditionProduct Evangelist for Red Gate Software

  • It doesn't sound logical. Can you extract the additional records from the second query? Maybe if you take a look at them it will show you the logic behind why they are selected....

    ** Don't mistake the ‘stupidity of the crowd’ for the ‘wisdom of the group’! **
  • Thank you everyone who responded.

    It turns out it was a false alarm, I mis-read the record count. There weren't more records after adding the additional filter.

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