Modifying measure. How to ?

  • Hi,

    I have simple problem.

    Ive got running cube with:

    Dimensions: Item, Time

    Mesure: Quantity

    Current cube shows me sum of items for current time (date, year...)

    What I need to help with:

    How co modify this measure that it will show me all quantity till choosen time from time dimension.

    For example:

    2008 2009

    Item1 300 310

    Item2 310 315

    Item3 200 200

    So In year 2009 quantity reached of 10 Item1, 5 Item2 and 0 Item3.

    Thank you for any help!

  • I made step forward and created following MDX script:

    SUM ( { [Time].[Year Name].PrevMember

    , [Time].[Year Name].CurrentMember }

    , [Measures].[Quantity]


    The script I want should count current state for time dimension.

    But it gave me only wrong numbers in result!

  • I am sending picture of cube for better understanding.

    Columns marked in green rectangule are counted good, but colums marked with brown are wrong.

    In Cal 2005 didnt count state of Cal 2002 because it is counting state from Cal 2003, where are no data.

    Cal 2009 didnt count good because it didnt add -4 to currentstate from Cal 2008.

    Can anyone help me with optimizing my MDX script, please ?

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