Missing performance counters for one instance

  • I'm experimenting with baselining using performance counters on a test machine that has a default instance and two named instances installed on it.  In System Monitor I can see the SQL Server objects for the named instances (MSSQL$instancename:xxx).  However, the objects for the default instance don't appear.  They should be named SQLServer:xxx.

    Has anyone experienced this or know how to fix or workaround it?

    One unusual thing that may be related...the default instance is Enterprise Edition but the named instances, installed later, were Standard Edition.

  • Not a problem I've ever seen before but in general performance counters normally are unavailable when the perfmon service starts before the SQL instance.

    If you have more than one sql instance on the server I'd check that you're not seeing this sort of behaviour before digging any deeper.

  • I didn't think that was the case for this instance, but I did restart the instance yesterday and now I can see the performance counters.  So it must have been something like that.


  • Glad you were able to solve your problem.  I've hit this problem quite a bit with SQL 2000 SP3.  One cause of missing SQL Server PerfMon counters is starting an instance of SQL Server with System Monitor running against the machine.  You'll see the following line in the SQL Error Log at startup: "Performance monitor shared memory setup failed: -1" .  This is documented in KB article http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;812915.

    The solution is to upgrade from SP3 either via Security Patch MS03-031 (http://www.microsoft.com/technet/security/Bulletin/MS03-031.mspx)  contains other fixes besides security patches or to apply SQL 2000 SP4, which hopefully will be out soon.  We've been running this patch (takes SQL to build .818) without problem, as have many other sites.

    The other option is to restart the SQL instance without System Monitor running, if you can do it.  This may be what happened in your case.  Of course, if this is a production server, it may be difficult to simply restart the service. 

    Hope this helps,

    Scott Thornburg

  • Thanks, Scott, that's excellent information!  I don't have a place to reproduce the problem now but I suspect that it was as you and Mike suggested.  I've since installed MS-03-031.

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