Migration from Oracle 8 to SQL-Server 2000

  • Hello,

    I would like to get recommandations, documents, scripts, etc... on how to successfully migrate an Oracle 8 database to SQL-Server 2000.

    All objects, users, etc... should be completely migrated to the SQL-server database.

    Many thanks for your help


  • Here is a good oveview document from Microsoft. There are other resources on the web for these Migrations too. I have done similar Migration and it needs some custom scripts to writing T-SQL code equivalent to PL/SQL and Oracle SQL.


    Good Luck


  • Hi Allen,

    Looks like both of our links are pointing to the same technet chapter. But your link has more info orgainzed in one place.


  • Hi there

    Step 1. Buy my ebook

    Step 2. Restore resume and leave current position 😉

    Ok, seriously now...

    The hardest task will be your code, the conversion of pl/sql packages and associated triggers over to t-sql (or perhaps a business tier equiv?) will be the hardest nut to crack. The DB is relatively simply, albiet the issues will be around features not cross supported, ie. bitmap and function based indexes, partitions etc etc... good old oracle is swamped with such options, and if you have to port the oracle object relational sql structures then live will be even more fun.

    The strategies at the dbms level are relatively simple... consider these for example:

    a) oracle exports - are text readable, can script out your core dbms structures, and will assist in large search replace type senarios to build up your sql.

    b) consider re-engineering into viso/erwin etc the oracle model and doing a simple save back into sql server

    c) consider the options avail in sql server DTS

    The key i believe here is repeatability.. ideally focus around core scripts such as:

    a) create tables

    b) create constraints

    c) create indexes

    esp for bulk loading of data, indexes will kill your throughput.

    The pl/sql, tripper, function code conversion, well, its not easy, i havent seen any products worth mentioning that can assist, so its the hard yards.

    In all cases, be fully aware of the sql server locking model, most conversions from oracle to sqlserver suffer terrible problems due to code ported that results in major blocking and deadlocking issues. Test very carefully!



    Chris Kempster


    Author of "SQL Server 2k for the Oracle DBA"

    Chris Kempster
    Author of "SQL Server Backup, Recovery & Troubleshooting"
    Author of "SQL Server 2k for the Oracle DBA"

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