Migrating ISQL batch file into MS SQL SVR 2005 with SQLCMD

  • Hi all - I have an ISQL Batch File here:

    isql.exe -U SA -P XXXXXX -d DBNAME -S SERVERNAME -n -i vsm_his2he.sql -o log.txt

    bcp DBNAME.dbo.hotel_expert_room_registry out out1.txt -f param.txt -S SERVERNAME -U SA -P XXXXXX

    net use X: /DELETE

    net use X: \\vsmsvr-hexpert\fofile

    xcopy out1.txt X:\ /Q /Y

    net use X: /DELETE


    Basically what this all does is log into my DB and call up a script located in the same directory the batch file is run from called "vsm_his2he.sql". This script creates a temp table and stored procedure and runs the procedure...loads up the table and then the BCP command (above in batch file) rips it out of the table into a tab delimited text file. Then you see the xcopy to put it over on another server in the network...a good ole fashioned "interface".

    This obviously does not work on SQL 2005. Can anyone help me translate this so that I can create a SQLCMD batch file? Does OSQL work in SQL2005? I am also curious about my param.txt and whether SQLCMD can use that variable...

    let me know!

  • jonathanmreynolds (10/16/2008)

    Hi all - I have an ISQL Batch File here:

    isql.exe -U SA -P XXXXXX -d DBNAME -S SERVERNAME -n -i vsm_his2he.sql -o log.txt

    bcp DBNAME.dbo.hotel_expert_room_registry out out1.txt -f param.txt -S SERVERNAME -U SA -P XXXXXX

    net use X: /DELETE

    net use X: \\vsmsvr-hexpert\fofile

    xcopy out1.txt X:\ /Q /Y

    net use X: /DELETE


    Sqlcmd works in very similar ways to osql & isql. You can still call osql. Here's the sqlcmd equivalent of your call. It's not very different at all.

    If you really want to have fun, get PowerShell on your system and call the sqlcmd object, bcp, etc., from there. I've been having a blast with it.

    sqlcmd.exe -U SA -P XXXXXX -d DBNAME -S SERVERNAME -i vsm_his2he.sql -o log.txt

    ----------------------------------------------------The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood... Theodore RooseveltThe Scary DBAAuthor of: SQL Server 2017 Query Performance Tuning, 5th Edition and SQL Server Execution Plans, 3rd EditionProduct Evangelist for Red Gate Software

  • thanks Grant...didn't think it would be that easy...so the BCP commands will work just the same then hey?

  • The areas I've been looking at are:




    I'm just not sure how this translates the data on the screen.

    I tried this, but it didn't work:

    select N'????????' COLLATE Chinese_PRC_BIN as china

    select cast('????????' as nvarchar(100)) COLLATE Chinese_PRC_BIN as china

    Other than that... I'm stuck. Sorry.

    ----------------------------------------------------The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood... Theodore RooseveltThe Scary DBAAuthor of: SQL Server 2017 Query Performance Tuning, 5th Edition and SQL Server Execution Plans, 3rd EditionProduct Evangelist for Red Gate Software

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