Merge Replication with SQL CE

  • Howdy,

    Not sure this is right forum, but...

    We have developed an app for Pocket PC that uses SQLCE as the backend. It uses Merge Replication to synchronize with the main SQL Sever authenticating with Active Directory via an IIS box.

    Our IIS box went down and we are in the midst of replacing it. All went well in the test environment but we are encountering issues in the production environment. (What else!!!)

    When trying to synchronize we are getting an error, but the only information given is an error number:


    (The way the errors are handled is the app iterates through the error collection and displays the error description as well as the error number for each error. Getting only this number means there is no error description and that this is the only error the app catches.)

    I have searched the MSDN site as well as Googled the number but have not found anything so far.

    I know it's not much to go on, but any ideas?


    Five Stones IT Consulting and Development

  • Yummy SQL CE merge replication snacks.  (heh)

    The error code 80070005, which is the hex dword translation of the big negative number error code, means "Access Denied".  Thanks Microsoft Calculator.

    You might be connecting to IIS (and thus to SQL server) with invalid credentials.  Perhaps the user in TEST is a different name from PROD.  (TESTDOM\syncuser vs. PRODDOM\syncuser)   I'm trying to remember all of the things that have to be just right to get RDA to work.

    Also you may have filesystem permission problems as well.  But if it was working before and isn't now, I'd check the settings on the device that you just moved between environments.

    Also look at the logs in IIS for clues.  If you want, post the pertinent log files back here and I will try to help.

    P.S. my application handles errors the same way.  Somebody probably pasted the same MSDN code into both apps.  If your application is calling a sub() that passes the error object, you might get more detail by inlining the error code dump.  If the sync object closes, the error object doesn't work correctly.


  • I just got back from the client's office. We got it solved!

    It was a file system permission thing, so you were right on track. Wish I would have seen this earlier - would have saved a couple hours.



    Five Stones IT Consulting and Development

  • Good news that all is well.


  • ok i also have the issue

    you talk about file permissions..on the IIS or the SQL replication data directory?

    my replication data looks fine as does the iis directory...

    could it have something to do with IIS lockdown tool?

    What iis were you running ? IM running 6.0 (latest one?)



    Life is far too important to be taken seriously

  • this probably is not going to help you, but...

    we had essentially two issues:

    1)file permissions was related to permissions accessing the sqlce relay dll. for some reason we weren't authenticating properly, so we played around with that for a while.

    2)we seemed to have a corrupted install of sqlce on the iis box. (i waan't there when the install was done, but as we were working on fixing the issue, someone pipes up and says, "oh, by the way, we got an error when doing the install." AARRGGHH!!!!) so, we did a re-install and that fixed our main issue.

    so, to be honest, i can't unfortunately give you a definitive answer, other than that once we could authenicate properly to the dll and we did a re-install, it worked.


    Five Stones IT Consulting and Development

  • Hello,

    I'm not sure what causes that error.  I belive it to be filesystem permissions, which also affect permissions in IIS.

    I am running IIS 6, but in 5.0 compatability mode.  

    hth jg


  • Ok...I too played around with permissions etc...

    my specific issue had to do with the SQLagent not having modify rights to the folder as well...

    my login account is just a user for it not any admin rights which is why it had an issue, normally i give it admin rights (worst practise anyone?) but at this install im using regular user rights..

    Life is far too important to be taken seriously

  • it needs to be in the PAL, and have read rights to your snapshot share.


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