Merge Replication Problem

  • I am having a problem with merge replication at one installation site.  They have SQL Server 2000 on the server and 2 laptops. When the subscribing laptops synchronize the changes from the subscriber are uploaded to the publisher but no changes from the publisher are downloaded to the subscriber. There are no filters set on the replication.
     We have tried dropping the publication and subscriptions and recreating them, we tried disabling publications on the server to drop the distribution database and starting from scratch enabling replication.  Creating a new sample database and replicating the data to a new subscriber database and that also worked like it was UPLOAD only.We tried adding "-ExchangeType 3" to the Repl-Merge job command to force bidirectional even though that is the default.  Any suggestion, thoughts or ideas of what else to look for or try would be greatly appreciated.
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  • I still have not resolved this problem. 

     This morning we received a call from a second customer experiencing the same problem.  The good news is it happened at a second site so we have a little more to go on and/or compare.  I will be going on site to look at there setup and do some troubleshooting.  Any suggestions would be appreciated.  There are no errors or warnings in the event logs or in the SQL server logs.  It simply says there is no data to be merged even though there have been changes at the publisher.  Changes at the subscriber replicate fine.


  • FYI - I found the problem.

    Our database uses INSTEAD OF triggers to handle audit logging on all of the tables. 

    What we found was that someone had disabled the "Allow triggers to be fired which fire other triggers" option on the server.  Therefore the Auditing triggers would fire, do their thing and then update the table but the replication triggers would never fire on the publisher and therefore the Distributer never saw any updates for the publisher.  Thus the one way replication from the Subscriber to the Publisher.

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