Merge Rep over very small bandwidth

  • I need some help with figuring out whether a task can be done or not.

    My task:  set up merge replication between 1 publisher & 2 subscribers.  The 2 subscribers are in very remote locations, 1 of which is only available 11 hours out of the day.  Bandwidth is basically 56K (at best, usually runs around 28K).  Our biggest database is about 750MB, so we're not talking about anything huge here, and we have 4 databases that need to be replicated.

    I am new to replication so have been reading the BOL.  I ran across a phrase that said something about compressing a publication before sending it out, but couldn't find any other references to this.  Anybody out there currently do this?  If so, could you point me to documentation that will tell me how to do this.



  • I believe they are talking about compression folders from the operating system level.

    Kindest Regards,

  • We had a lot of problems with Merge Replication over ISDN links. Admittedly there was a significant amount of updates going on but it still frequently 'failed to enumerate changes'. Playing around with the settings (such as switching off the referrential integrity checking at the more passive end and replicating more frequently to minimise the data transer) certainly helped but we still had problems up to and until a leased line was put in; when all went perfectly. 

    From this we concluded that it was not so much the bandwidth as the nature of the connection. I am not a telecoms engineer but it appeared tha the ISDN was a lot flakier than a leased line.



    David Saville

    Aldex Software Ltd.

  • You need to be looking for copy subscription database in BOL, this will create a compressed copy of the database which can be reattached at the other end, in our case, it results in a 400mb database being reduced to 100mb, however, you will probably have problems with the low band-width, in our case, we have had to stop doing send and receives, and just send in the data until we have been able to get the other party onto an ADSL connection

  • Although I haven't tried the merge replication through dial up yet, I have the same goal in mind.  There is a little bit about optimizing the merge replication in the BOL under: Enhancing Merge Replication Performance, which might speed things up.  Although I can't offer you any help, I would sure like to hear how it goes.  I wish someone had responded with prior experiance making it work over dial up recently.  The only other way to do this task would be to build custom web services which isn't a trivial task.  Good luck.

    Kindest Regards,

    Paul Krasucki, MCAD

  • We have 10 subscribers scattered over the USA that use internet access through a VPN to merge. We have experience with dial-up, satellite, dsl, and cable connections to the internet at the sites.

    Dial-up works if the connection is clean. Usually below 30K you will have problems. Then also the more data you need to merge the longer the connection. Sometimes you will be on an hour and then the connection fails and everything rolls back and you have to start over.

    Satellite doesn't work at all. One site tried to use it and we could not get the merge to work correctly at all. I think it has to do with the delay that can be up to 7 seconds on a reply to a transmission.

    DSL works great except when the supplier decides that they will not transmit VPN. We have a DSL link with SBC that mostly doesn't work. We tried last Friday from 3PM to 11PM and never could get the VPN connection. Tried again on Saturday morning and it worked flawlessly.

    Cable modem works great everytime.

    Once you get a good VPN connection, the merge seems to work fine for us.

    Don Tanner


  • Respected Friend

    Don Tanner....

                   Thanks for valuable information ,i think you r the right person who did alot of work on dial up replication process .I am Msc Last year student and my project is to replicate data between two sides witch are apart more than 30 kilometers ,through VPN Dial up Network .I Only know how to make publisher and subscriber on Local network but do't know the ABC of Dial up Process. Can you help me in this regard ,and can you sent me the whole processs wizards  print Screens (Step By Step) ,how to build Dial up remote servers ,how give the TCP/IP addressess ,how to configure subscriber at remote site and publisher site at my university site.Kindly help me i am fed up by purchasing books and searching contents on Internet and i lost much of the time on searching......Kindly Help me through my Email Address .....................i am waiting for UR Response.....


    (Shahzad Mughal)

    MSC(Final Year)

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