Memory Settings for SSRS

  • I have basically the same question(s) for two different scenarios.  We have some SQL Servers dedicated entirely to SSRS and, of course, we have some SQL Servers that have varying numbers of databases with SSRS also on the same server.  My question is; how should the memory settings (max, min) be altered when SSRS is on a server?  Should the MAX be set lower for SQL Server on those dedicated entirely to SSRS?  If so, how do I allocate memory specifically to SSRS, or do I even need to?  Should the memory be set to an acceptable level for all services to share on those servers with both user databases and SSRS?

    I have seen a lot of information about setting memory for SSRS in the XML files but nothing I have read addresses the issue I am wondering about.




  • Thanks for posting your issue and hopefully someone will answer soon.

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  • There isn't a lot of information on it as there is no definitive way to do it - it really depends. On a dedicated server for SSRS, SQL Server could still be getting hit with a lot of subscriptions which would hit the Report Server databases and the jobs/agent. On a shared server, those can be a bit of a nightmare with peaks for different things on different services having different processes. The best you can do is to monitor each components memory use - average, min, max - and go from there. It really depends on how each service is being used.


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