Memory Configuration on SQL Server 2005

  • Hi Guys,

    I have a 64 bit server with 64 GB of memory on the server. I configured the memory and assigned 50GB of memory to SQL Server and 14 GB to the OS. The memory in Task Manager shows that SQL is using 52GB of memory. Can anyone perhaps explain why this is so? I used the following script to configure the memory in SQL:

    sp_configure 'show advanced options', 1



    sp_configure 'awe enabled', 0



    sp_configure 'max server memory', 50000



    I then rebooted the SQL service and the following information is displayed within the sys.configurations table:

    Value Min Max value_in_use

    min server memory (MB)0 02147483647 0

    max server memory (MB)5000016214748364750000

    Please advise



  • Does your SQL Server service account has "Lock pages in memory" rights on the server? We had similar issue until we gave these rights to the service account. Local Administrator group will not work, you will have to grant "Lock pages in memory" rights directly.

    This article has more information:

  • Could be that your conversion from megabytes to gigabytes and kilobytes is incorrect. By setting max server memory to 50000, you are actually configuring the max memory to abut 48 GB (50000 / 1024 = 48.8). Task manager is showing in Kbytes so you have to also convert that to GB.

  • Agree with Cliff. Most likely you are dividing by 1000 instead 1024.

    LPIM permissions wouldn't cause you to use extra memory.

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  • Thanks for your input. I was converting the total incorrectly.

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