Memorial Day

  • I find this discussion all very interesting (I really do) - it's just the wrong post to be doing it in.

    Call me pedantic or even call me a DBA but everything has a time and a place and a discussion like 9/11 belongs in the Anything Not About SQL area under it's own heading.

    Having this discussion here, in my opinion, is diminishing the intent of the original post by Steve - Memorial Day - to remember those who served.

    A lack of planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on mine.

  • Here, here and well said.  Thanks, Matt.

    Steve, thanks for taking the time to remember veterans and for paralleling the "give" and perils of good people in the world of IT.  A moment of silence for those who have fallen in doing what they believe is good and right and to those they left behind that supported their endeavors...

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  • Yes, I think also we should honor all honest people.

    For me I have worked in IT since 1982, my first computer was a Luxor ABC800, got my first PC in 1987, a 286.

    Now all evidence points at that 911 was an inside job cariied out by the Bush / Cheney Adminsitration. They have lied about pracitcally everything regarding 911 since then. Just try to explain how these steel structures can fall down in free fall speed (10 seconds)?

    At least someone smart person here on this site perhaps can do the maths and figure out that must have been explosives involved to bring the towers down, and thats one of the facts that changes the whole story.

    Best regards,


  • Somehow I missed the connection between 9/11 and 5/28.

    All I know is that working for a multinational, you never need someone until their not available because of the holiday. I didn' t need them on Friday, just the Monday.

    I hope all our American friends celebrated this day in their own special way.

  • Hasnt there been victims from 9/11 who are to be included on Memorial day 28/5?

    Shouldnt we allow ourselfs to listen to reasons and hard facts, and not ridicule people who dare asking the questions?

    I wonder if there is anyone here willing to stick the neck out and comment on the points I mentioned in earlier posts. Like Free fall, Molten Iron, all witnesses about explosives going off.

    Why not think about the future, is a memorial day all we need, without looking at what is really this "war on terror"

    Best regards

    Johan Tiberg

  • Johan,

    I am always willing to stick my neck out to have a debate with someone on a topic - provided it is the right time and place.

    At this very minute, I am sitting at work glancing through the forums to see if there is anything interesting or relevant to help me in my role (even though Steve's editorials are a sidebar, there is often some relevance to them )

    I will NOT denegrate a post that is dedicated to those who are willing to make a difference in the world to slag off at politicians I've never met nor blab on about conspiracies that are about as easily proven as which brand of spaceship was used to build the pyramids.

    I don't have the inclination to waste (more) work time going off topic about things I cannot prove nor have the inclination to waste time debating.

    What is done is done as far as 9/11 is concerned and if there is a conspiracy: I don't care.

    I am here for SQL Server related information to help me do better in my chosen career.

    A better place for your discussion would be one of these sites:

    Get the picture?  For someone who, on this page, would be assumed to be a DBA and therefore objective and focused, well....... 

    I say to have your discussion - just not here.

    A lack of planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on mine.

  • Quote: "What is done is done as far as 9/11 is concerned and if there is a conspiracy: I don't care."

    Yes, thats a funny way to look at it. I just care about Memorial day, NOT how and why these people die. And so we should ignore evidence, that in this case are so clear, no we should ridicult them instead.

    Who or What is it that you ridicule? Me or the people who dies?

    ... But of Course you "Dont care"

    Best regards,


  • Good point.

    In any case, wrong time-wrong place. If you perceive this as running away from a blue then so be it because... (guess what goes here) 

    I am very much against the war in Iraq and Afghanistan and everywhere else where troops are sent to clean up the messes of dictators, war-mongers and politicians alike.  I think there would be a lot less strife if the people who started these issues were the ones to resolve them.

    I don't ridicule the people who die as they died needlessly as did the police, paramedics, fire-fighters, voluntary floor wardens and anyone else in those buildings who stepped up to the plate to help others who could not help themselves.  My point, whether you take on board or not, is that neither I nor anyone on the planet will ever know except for those who may have been involved in a conspiracy if in fact there is one at all.  It's not like you or I will ever be able to bring these people, if they exist or not, to justice anyway.

    This isn't giving up for being complacent about the deaths of 3000+ people - it's about changing the things I can change and trying not to get too caught up in the things I cannot.

    Whether you take my comments as ridicule or not is irrelevant - what matters is that thanks to the people that we remember on days like Memorial Day, you now have the right to contemplate and consider and research these conspiracy theories.  It's a damn sight more than anyone gets (particularly women) when they live under the rule of a religion that decrees anyone not with them is clearly against them and therefore must die.

    A lack of planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on mine.

  • I saw the plane hit the building. I did not see what happened to the first tower, but I saw the plane hit the second tower.

    To all those who answer the call to serve our country, to faithfully represent the best intent of the common US citizen, I wish you a safe return home.

  • Its stunning to realize, but I red all my posts, and there is no offend at anyone personal. Rather those who complain, wants to limit the sense of free speech without explanation of why.

    How can anyone be offended by someone (me) who argues less war, to save more lives. Because thats what I do. No war for false reasons, thats very simple isnt it?

    Is Memorial day about more war and more deaths?

    AC: If you saw the plane, perhaps you also saw that it didnt look like an American Airline, but more likely a military plane, as have many others testified about.

    The facs is on the table, and they are crystal clear. I never heard anyone who want to respond to the facts for instance how steel structures can fall down in free fall speed? That is impossible due to laws of fysics. Only by the use of explosives could this effect be obtained.

    ... so its also crystal clear that our government has lied about 9/11 from scratch. Its the Bush/Cheney Administration who is behind it all, and now they have sent these thousands and thousands of people to death both at home and abroad.

    This is the thing that has to be thought of on Memorial day. I think its ignorant to be ignorant about this False Flag  Terrorism.

    Best regards,


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