MDX - ParallelPeriod questions

  • I have the following calculation defined on a time dimension.

    It works, but only shows the results for the highest level.

    For example, if i pull in the "FISCAL CALENDAR" and expand it out,

    it has

    2010... January .... 2010-01-01 (note my dates are at the monthly level)

    Well i only see results when i expand out to the 2010-01-01 level

    Why can't i see it at the January or the 2010 level?

    // Prior Year to Date


    [DIM TIME].[FISCAL CALENDAR DIM TIME Calculations].[Prior Year to Date],


    [DIM TIME].[TRANS DATE].Members




  • Hello Natarscha,

    From you example I see that you've used the builtin time intelligence wizard. I don't know the cause of your problem, because I don't know your design,just the few lines you posted.

    Anyway, in my projects I''ve never used this wizard because it's limited in its functionality and there's a much better (generic) solution on time calculations, which can be found here:

    I suggest you use the approach from this document.

    Kind regards,


  • thanks. i've seen that post before. i'm new to ssas and only supposed to be helping out on a project that ended up being turned over to me. btw, i have a background SQL Servers and Cognos products, so all this extra work for time calculations is unbelievable to me.

    i did use the wizard to get ytd, but then customized that to do a prior year calculation. i would like to see prior year no matter what level i select, but for this particular report, i'm just going to end up limiting the users to select a YearMonth to report on, so i am not going to build a custom time dimension. in the future i will look into that option, but i'm still curious as why my code doesn't work, it must be something simple i'm missing.

  • ok, i figured it out... i was missing:


    { [DIM TIME].[FISCAL CALENDAR DIM TIME Calculations].[Current DIM TIME] }




    I don't really know what most of the functions do and how they operate; my plan is to get the solution to work using my basic programming/copy/paste techniques and then i can go back and understand what i did.

    btw, i was setting this up so that i can have mtd, prior mtd, ytd, prior ytd as columns across the top

    and other dimensions as the rows, but only have two measures - revenue and transactions --- using the calculated time dimension worked.

  • --Off topic-- the way (Cognos) Transformer handled the inclusion/creation of special time categories *really* kicks *** over the manual approach for SSAS :S


  • Hi Natarscha,

    The script generated by the wizard has a section starting with Scope..., like this.




    [Measures].[Internet Order Count],

    [Measures].[Reseller Order Count]


    ) ;




    End Scope;

    The <logic> is only applied to the measures identifeid in the scope, in my example the [Measures].[Internet Order Count] & [Measures].[Reseller Order Count].

    Maybe this is why the other measures don't work with the relative time dimension.

    Kind regards,


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