• Which certification carries more weight?  I cant decide on which one to pursue, so any advice would be appreciated.



  • Hopefully MCITP since that was the one I passed on Friday.

    Personally I would assume that it depends a lot on who is looking at it. People will still be unfamiliar with the newer qualification but it is more future proofed. Personally I work mostly with 2000 and so I have redundant knowledge. But it also means I can be a force for change. I am able to highlight the benefits of upgrading in different areas.

  • Richard, I appreciate the feedback.  My greatest concern with the new Certification is the misconception about it being is easier to get.  When i first heard about the redesigned certification path, I envisioned something similar to Cisco's 3 Tier Certification where each tier seperates the pro's from the masters, from the gurus.  Not that I would ever fall into the Guru category .  I think I'll go for the MCITP first and fill in the MCDBA 2000 when i have time.  Hopefully, the new certification path will gain a level of credibility similar to Ciscos.


    Oh, congratulations on your certification.

  • Thanks,

    I have found it helpful to show people the MCTS, MCITP (DBA / Developer), Architect diagram. You then tell them the architect costs $10,000 and requires 10+ years experience. They seem convinced that you are about as DBA qualified as you can be for this product.

    However you can always get another couple of MCPs in Server 2003 (or whatever is current) and networking after the MCITP.

  • I like your idea about showing the diagram.  I think I'll add it to my portfolio if I can find it.  I remember seeing a diagram which showed MCTS, 3 different MCITP paths and Architect, but cant find it anymore.

  • Dont forget that the new round of DBA certifications are targeted towards SQL 2005, the MCDBA is a SQL 2000 certification.

  • The diagram is at:

  • Richard - did you earn your MCITP by buying books/attending classes/studying and then taking the tests, or did you go the Boot Camp route?   Trying to decide myself...


  • Mostly I used BOL 2005 and SQL server Central.

    Buying questions are a waste of time (I used measure-up) in my experience.

    The free web courses (MS Learning) are good but probably not worth buying so sign up for them now while they are free.

    The book for MCTS was lent to me a week before the exam by a colleague. Good to revise from but I would have passed without it. This is the only thing I would consider paying for.

    Good luck.

  • I have the MS training kit for 70-431 and we are testing it at work. there is also the small red book with only practice questions that is pretty good and if MS has a readiness review i liked those in the past as well.

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