maxrecursion Other Option

  • What are other option instead of using maxrecursion in sql server 2008 ?

  • Other option for what?

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass
  • For max recursion.

    I am getting error

    The statement terminated. The maximum recursion 100 has been exhausted before statement completion.

    My DBA don't allow me to Use this MaxRecursion. I am looking different option.

  • If you need to change the default recursion for CTEs, you need to use maxrecursion. Either work with your DBA so that he sees why you need it, or re-design the query so that it doesn't use recursive CTEs.

    Gail Shaw
    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server, MVP, M.Sc (Comp Sci)
    SQL In The Wild: Discussions on DB performance with occasional diversions into recoverability

    We walk in the dark places no others will enter
    We stand on the bridge and no one may pass
  • OK.. Thanks.

    Let me check.

  • If you post your code with sample data, you might get an alternative to the code.

    The reason to prevent the use of maxrecursion is that it might not be necessary and there's some bad coding in place.

    Luis C.
    General Disclaimer:
    Are you seriously taking the advice and code from someone from the internet without testing it? Do you at least understand it? Or can it easily kill your server?

    How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help: Option 1 / Option 2
  • If I use maxrecursion in query, is this change server level the thesold or database level ?

    Can I implement in production ? What is the advantage and disadvange ?



  • patla4u (10/3/2016)

    If I use maxrecursion in query, is this change server level the thesold or database level ?

    Can I implement in production ? What is the advantage and disadvange ?



    Disadvantages - lack of scalability, potential for infinite loop (remember, you ran into the default level of recursion at 100), wrong solution for the problem.

    Advantages - Not sure, haven't seen the code, DDL for the tables, or sample data and expected results.

  • CREATE VIEW [dbo].[test]




    SELECT s.Subject_ID






    ,CASE WHEN TimeOrigin_IND = 'L' THEN CAST((ce.ClinicalEvent_ID -1) AS Varchar(5))ELSE ce.TimeOrigin_IND END AS TimeOrigin_IND



    ,CASE WHEN ce.Event_CD = 'SRN' THEN 'S'

    WHEN ce.Event_CD = 'RND' THEN 'R'

    WHEN ce.Event_CD = 'FD' THEN 'D'

    WHEN ce.Event_CD = 'ENR' THEN 'N'

    WHEN ce.Event_CD = 'RUNIN' THEN 'I'

    WHEN TimeOrigin_IND IN ('R','L') Then CAST((ce.ClinicalEvent_ID) AS Varchar(5))

    --ELSE ce.ClinicalEvent_ID

    END AS Event_IND




    --,Max(se.Event_DT) OVER (PARTITION BY S.SUBJECT_ID) AS Max_Visit_Date

    FROM TEST_1 s

    INNER JOIN TEST_2 si on s.Site_ID = si.Site_ID

    CROSS JOIN T_ClinicalEvent ce

    LEFT OUTER JOIN T_SubjectEvent se

    ON ce.ClinicalEvent_ID = se.ClinicalEvent_ID

    AND se.Subject_ID = s.Subject_ID

    WHERE ce.Visit_NO IS NOT NULL AND ce.phase_id = s.phase_id



    SELECT csr.Subject_ID










    ,CAST(NULL AS DATETIME) AS ScheduledEvent_DT



    WHERE csr.ClinicalEvent_ID IN (22,23,197)


    SELECT csr1.Subject_ID










    ,CASE WHEN csr1.TimeUnits_IND= 'D' THEN DATEADD(day, csr1.TimeUnits_CNT, ISNULL(rv.Event_DT,rv.ScheduledEvent_DT))

    WHEN csr1.TimeUnits_IND= 'W' THEN DATEADD(week, csr1.TimeUnits_CNT, ISNULL(rv.Event_DT,rv.ScheduledEvent_DT))

    WHEN csr1.TimeUnits_IND= 'M' THEN DATEADD(MONTH, csr1.TimeUnits_CNT, ISNULL(rv.Event_DT,rv.ScheduledEvent_DT))

    END as ScheduledEvent_DT




    ON rv.Event_IND= csr1.TimeOrigin_IND and csr1.Subject_ID = rv.Subject_ID

    WHERE DATEADD(day, csr1.TimeUnits_CNT, ISNULL(rv.Event_DT,rv.ScheduledEvent_DT)) < DATEADD(day, 250, GETDATE())


    SELECT Depot_ID




    --,SUM(Quantity) as Quantity

    ,SUM(Projectedneed30Days) AS ProjectedNeed_30_Days

    ,SUM(Projectedneed60Days) AS Projectedneed_60_Days

    ,SUM(Projectedneed90Days) AS Projectedneed_90_Days

    ,SUM(Projectedneed180Days) AS Projectedneed_180_Days

    ,SUM(Projectedneed240Days) AS Projectedneed_240_Days



    SELECT d.Depot_ID













    ,DATEDIFF(dd, CAST(GetDate() As DATE),cev.ScheduledEvent_DT )As DaysLeftforVisit

    ,CASE WHEN DATEDIFF(dd, CAST(GetDate() As DATE),cev.ScheduledEvent_DT) between 0 and 30 Then i.Item_Quantity ELSE 0 END AS Projectedneed30Days

    ,CASE WHEN DATEDIFF(dd, CAST(GetDate() As DATE),cev.ScheduledEvent_DT) between 31 and 60 Then i.Item_Quantity ELSE 0 END AS Projectedneed60Days


    INNER JOIN (select distinct subject_id, last_visit_no from CTE_SUBJECT_VISIT_SCHEDULE) cte on cte.Subject_ID = cev.Subject_ID

    INNER JOIN T_Subject s ON cev.Subject_ID = s.Subject_ID

    INNER JOIN T_Site si on si.Site_ID = s.Site_ID

    INNER JOIN T_Depot d on si.Depot_ID =d.Depot_ID

    INNER JOIN T_ClinicalEventTreatment CET ON CET.ClinicalEvent_ID = cev.ClinicalEvent_ID AND cet.treatmentarm_id = s.treatmentarm_id

    INNER JOIN T_ClinicalEventItemType CEIT ON CET.ClinicalEventTreatment_ID = CEIT.ClinicalEventTreatment_ID

    LEFT OUTER JOIN ( SELECT i.Subject_ID,i.ItemType_ID,COUNT(1) AS Item_Quantity

    FROM T_Item i


    (SELECT se.Subject_ID,MAX(i.Subjectevent_ID)AS Subjectevent_ID

    FROM T_SubjectEvent se

    INNER JOIN T_ClinicalEvent ce on se.ClinicalEvent_ID = ce.ClinicalEvent_ID

    INNER JOIN T_Subject s on s.Subject_ID = se.Subject_ID

    INNER JOIN T_Item i on i.Subject_ID = s.Subject_ID and i.SubjectEvent_ID = se.SubjectEvent_ID

    WHERE ce.Visit_NO is Not Null

    GROUP BY se.Subject_ID

    )lv on i.Subject_ID = lv.Subject_ID and i.Subjectevent_ID = lv.Subjectevent_ID

    GROUP BY i.Subject_ID,i.ItemType_ID

    )i on s.Subject_ID = i.Subject_ID

    AND CEIT.itemtype_id = i.itemtype_id

    WHERE cev.Visit_No > cte.Last_Visit_NO and cev.ScheduledEvent_DT >= Cast(getdate() As DATE)

    ) Projected

    Group By Depot_ID,Site_ID,ItemType_ID


  • patla4u (10/3/2016)

    If I use maxrecursion in query, is this change server level the thesold or database level ?

    Can I implement in production ? What is the advantage and disadvange ?



    Maxrecursion is a query hint. It only affects the query that is using it.

    The advantage is that you can allow more or less recursion in a recursive cte.

    The disadvantage is that you might get caught in an infinite loop or at least a bad performing query. I've never met a case that needed more than 20 recursion levels. Most won't require more than 7.

    Luis C.
    General Disclaimer:
    Are you seriously taking the advice and code from someone from the internet without testing it? Do you at least understand it? Or can it easily kill your server?

    How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help: Option 1 / Option 2
  • It's very hard to bring data for all those tables.

  • I am having 120 recursion. and based on code, I don't know where to put.

  • Hi,,

    I don't think, we are able to create view with Option(MaxRecursion 1000) Option.

    Now this is really challenging for me, because due to this, my SSIS package is failing .


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