Max values across multiple tables

  • Hi all,

    Trying to get the max date/time started across ALL tables...

    SELECT Operator_Ref, MAX ([Date_Started])

    , MAX([Time_Started])

    FROM [TempoLive_ABEE].[dbo].[Operator_Usage]

    Where Operator_Ref like 'Lynn%'

    Group by Operator_Ref

    SELECT Operator_Ref,

    MAX ([Date_Started])

    , MAX([Time_Started])

    FROM [TempoLive_ABGlaxo].[dbo].[Operator_Usage]

    Where Operator_Ref like 'Lynn%'

    Group by Operator_Ref

    SELECT Operator_Ref,

    MAX ([Date_Started])

    , MAX([Time_Started])

    FROM [TempoLive_ABFarrGMBH].[dbo].[Operator_Usage]

    Where Operator_Ref like 'Lynn%'

    Group by Operator_Ref

    TIA 🙂

  • So you want to loop round multiple DB's pulling in the values for the same query from the same table?

    If I need to do this in each database (inc system I would use sp_msforeachdb) but as you wont have the table in the system DBs I would use the below.

    Create a global temp table to hold the output, put your per db query in the right place, set the right databases to run this in on the outer select from sys.databases.

    Then you can do whatever calculation you like on the ##output table

    CREATE TABLE [##Output](


    SELECT @SQL = (
    'USE ' + QUOTENAME(name) +';' + CHAR(13) + CHAR(10) +
    'INSERT INTO [##Output] (.....)' + CHAR(13) + CHAR(10) +

    /*Put your per DB query in this segment, note this has to be in dynamic SQL so double ' etc etc*/

    /*End of per DB query*/
    FROM sys.databases
    WHERE STATE_DESC = 'ONLINE' AND database_id > 4
    ).value('.', 'nvarchar(max)')
    --select @sql
    EXECUTE sp_executesql @SQL

    select * from ##Output

    drop table ##Output
  • For starters, MAX ([Date_Started]), MAX([Time_Started]) needs to be modified to MAX([Date_Started]) + [Time_Started]).  The actual calculation will depend on the data types of the 2 fields.

  • Date - Char(8)

    Time - Char(6)

    COALESCE(ABEE.Operator_Ref, ABG.Operator_Ref, GMBH.Operator_Ref) AS Operator_Ref,

    FROM (
    SELECT Operator_Ref,
    MAX(CAST([Date_Started] AS datetime) + CAST([Time_Started] AS datetime)) AS [DateTime_Started]
    FROM [TempoLive_ABEE].[dbo].[Operator_Usage]
    Where Operator_Ref like 'Lynn%'
    Group by Operator_Ref
    ) AS ABEE

    SELECT Operator_Ref,
    MAX(CAST([Date_Started] AS datetime) + CAST([Time_Started] AS datetime)) AS [DateTime_Started]
    FROM [TempoLive_ABGlaxo].[dbo].[Operator_Usage]
    Where Operator_Ref like 'Lynn%'
    Group by Operator_Ref
    ) AS ABG ON ABG.Operator_Ref = ABEE.Operator_Ref

    SELECT Operator_Ref,
    MAX(CAST([Date_Started] AS datetime) + CAST([Time_Started] AS datetime)) AS [DateTime_Started]
    FROM [TempoLive_ABFarrGMBH].[dbo].[Operator_Usage]
    Where Operator_Ref like 'Lynn%'
    Group by Operator_Ref
    ) AS GMBH ON GMBH.Operator_Ref IN ( ABG.Operator_Ref, ABEE.Operator_Ref )

    SELECT MAX(DateTime_Started) AS DateTime_Started
    FROM ( VALUES(ABEE.DateTime_Started, ABG.DateTime_Started, GMBH.DateTime_Started) ) AS dates(DateTime_Started)
    ) AS CA1

    ORDER BY COALESCE(ABEE.Operator_Ref, ABG.Operator_Ref, GMBH.Operator_Ref)

    SQL DBA,SQL Server MVP(07, 08, 09) "Money can't buy you happiness." Maybe so, but it can make your unhappiness a LOT more comfortable!

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