max of sums with cte?

  • Hi, Im trying to create a high score list from a log table. I want to retrieve the personal best of a specific user (userid=1) and overall leader as well based on daily activity.

    The desired result from the table below would be:

    specific_user, specific_high, specific_date, overall_user, overall_high, overall_date

    1, 2, '2012-01-01', 3,3, '2012-01-04'


    CREATE TABLE [#tasks_log](

    [id] [int] NOT NULL,

    [userid] [int] NULL,

    [recorddate] [int] NULL

    ) ON [PRIMARY]


    INSERT INTO [#tasks_log] (id, userid, recorddate)

    SELECT 1,1,'2012-01-01' UNION ALL

    SELECT 2,1,'2012-01-01' UNION ALL

    SELECT 3,1,'2012-01-02' UNION ALL

    SELECT 4,2,'2012-01-01' UNION ALL

    SELECT 1,2,'2012-01-01' UNION ALL

    SELECT 2,3,'2012-01-04' UNION ALL

    SELECT 3,3,'2012-01-04' UNION ALL

    SELECT 1,3,'2012-01-04' UNION ALL

    SELECT 2,3,'2012-01-03' UNION ALL

    SELECT 3,3,'2012-01-03'


    Ive managed to get the values for specific user, but not for the overall leader.

    ;WITH CTE_mycount (specific_user,daily_high,specific_date)



    SELECT userid as specific_user, COUNT(id) as daily_high, CAST(recorddate AS DATE) as specific_date FROM [#tasks_log] WHERE userid=1 GROUP BY userid, CAST(recorddate AS DATE)


    SELECT TOP 1 specific_user, MAX(daily_high) as specific_high, specific_date FROM CTE_mycount GROUP BY specific_user, specific_date ORDER BY specific_high DESC;

    EDIT: Here's the code for overall all time high:

    ;WITH CTE_mycount (overall_user,overall_high,overall_date)



    SELECT userid as specific_user, COUNT(id) as daily_high, CAST(recorddate AS DATE) as specific_date FROM [#tasks_log] GROUP BY userid, CAST(recorddate AS DATE)


    SELECT TOP 1 overall_user, MAX(overall_high) as overall_high, overall_date FROM CTE_mycount GROUP BY overall_user, overall_date ORDER BY overall_high DESC;

    Is to wise to retrieve both specific and overall record from a single query or is it better to split it up in two?

    Thanks for your time

  • Hi

    I think something like this may do what you want.

    ;with countbyuserday as (

    SELECT userid, recorddate, count(*) numrec

    FROM [#tasks_log]

    GROUP BY userid, recorddate


    seqbymaxnum as (

    SELECT userid, recorddate, numrec, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY userid ORDER BY numrec DESC) seq

    FROM countbyuserday


    select * from seqbymaxnum where seq = 1

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