max not giving the latest one

  • Here's my contribution.

    DECLARE @test-2 TABLE --CREATE TABLE #test


    createdon datetime,

    kms_quoteorder varchar(15)


    INSERT INTO @test-2 VALUES ('2015-06-10 14:03:04.000',NULL)

    INSERT INTO @test-2 VALUES ('2015-07-22 15:13:39.000','15-37666')

    INSERT INTO @test-2 VALUES ('2015-07-22 16:13:39.000','15-37779/Rev7')

    INSERT INTO @test-2 VALUES ('2015-07-22 19:54:56.000','15-37779/Rev8')

    INSERT INTO @test-2 VALUES ('2015-07-22 20:26:41.000','15-35553/Rev9')

    INSERT INTO @test-2 VALUES ('2015-07-22 21:32:31.000','15-35553/Rev10')

    -- build the string with the two parts created in ca2.

    SELECT QuoteOrder + CASE WHEN MAX(Rev) > 0 THEN '/Rev' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(15), MAX(Rev)) ELSE '' END

    FROM @test-2

    -- find out if/where the "Rev" part is in the string

    CROSS APPLY (SELECT PATINDEX('%Rev[0-9]%', kms_quoteorder)) ca1(Pos)

    -- separate the two parts of kms_quoteorder into quoteorder and rev. Convert rev to integer.

    CROSS APPLY (SELECT LEFT(kms_quoteorder, CASE WHEN ca1.Pos > 0 THEN ca1.Pos-2 ELSE LEN(kms_quoteorder) END),

    CONVERT(INTEGER, CASE WHEN ca1.POS > 0 THEN SUBSTRING(kms_quoteorder, ca1.Pos + 3, LEN(kms_quoteorder)) ELSE '' END)

    ) ca2(QuoteOrder, Rev)

    GROUP BY QuoteOrder

    This produces these results:





    How does this work for you?

    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server 2008
    Author - SQL Server T-SQL Recipes

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  • I have one more question to this code you helped me with. I also want the createdon displayed but when I added it after select I get and error:

    Msg 207, Level 16, State 1, Line 17

    Invalid column name 'createdon'.

    CREATE TABLE #test


    createdon datetime,

    kms_quoteorder varchar(15),

    test varchar(2)


    INSERT INTO #test VALUES ('2015-06-10 14:03:04.000',NULL,'nn')

    INSERT INTO #test VALUES ('2015-07-22 15:13:39.000','15-37666','nn')

    INSERT INTO #test VALUES ('2015-07-22 16:13:39.000','15-37779/Rev7','nn')

    INSERT INTO #test VALUES ('2015-07-22 19:54:56.000','15-37779/Rev8','nn')

    INSERT INTO #test VALUES ('2015-07-22 20:26:41.000','15-35553/Rev9','nn')

    INSERT INTO #test VALUES ('2015-07-22 21:32:31.000','15-35553/Rev10','nn')

    SELECT createdon,

    [QuoteOrder] AS [kms_quoteorder]

    ,[MAX_kms_quoteorder] = CASE WHEN RevNo != 0 THEN [QuoteOrder] + '/Rev' + CAST(RevNo AS VARCHAR(2))

    ELSE [QuoteOrder] END



    [QuoteOrder] = CASE WHEN CHARINDEX('/Rev', kms_quoteorder) > 0

    THEN LEFT(kms_quoteorder, CHARINDEX('/Rev', kms_quoteorder)-1)

    ELSE kms_quoteorder END

    ,[RevNo] = MAX(CASE WHEN CHARINDEX('/Rev', kms_quoteorder) > 0

    THEN CAST(RIGHT(kms_quoteorder, LEN(kms_quoteorder) - (CHARINDEX('/Rev', kms_quoteorder)+3)) AS INT)

    ELSE 0 END)

    FROM #TEST as

    WHERE kms_quoteorder IS NOT NULL

    GROUP BY (CASE WHEN CHARINDEX('/Rev', kms_quoteorder) > 0

    THEN LEFT(kms_quoteorder, CHARINDEX('/Rev', kms_quoteorder)-1)

    ELSE kms_quoteorder END)

    ) [A]

    ORDER BY [kms_quoteorder]

    --select * from #test

    DROP TABLE #Test

  • The createdon column is not included in the derived table (subquery).

    I'm not sure if you need to include it, or if you need to join the derived table to the original table. That depends on the results you're looking for.

    Luis C.
    General Disclaimer:
    Are you seriously taking the advice and code from someone from the internet without testing it? Do you at least understand it? Or can it easily kill your server?

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  • Not sure how I would add it to the derived subquery

  • lcarrethers (8/26/2015)

    Not sure how I would add it to the derived subquery

    Not sure how to do it either if you don't give sample data and expected results.

    Luis C.
    General Disclaimer:
    Are you seriously taking the advice and code from someone from the internet without testing it? Do you at least understand it? Or can it easily kill your server?

    How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help: Option 1 / Option 2
  • A bit late to the party and surprised nobody else commented on this yet. The reason you are having this problem in the first place is because you have two pieces of data in a single intersection. This violates 1NF and causes untold amount of pain. If you can separate the QuoteNumber and Revision into two columns this becomes simple because the revision number can be an integer so there are no gymnastics required to get the most recent revision.


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  • Also a bit late to the party, but why won't the created on column work?

    Michael L John
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  • Sean Lange (8/26/2015)

    A bit late to the party and surprised nobody else commented on this yet. The reason you are having this problem in the first place is because you have two pieces of data in a single intersection. This violates 1NF and causes untold amount of pain. If you can separate the QuoteNumber and Revision into two columns this becomes simple because the revision number can be an integer so there are no gymnastics required to get the most recent revision.

    Well, to be fair, someone has already mentioned it:

    Alvin Ramard (8/11/2015)

    ...Would also be much easier, if the Rev # was stored as an integer in a separate column.

    Definitely worth a second mention, though 🙂

  • Jacob Wilkins (8/26/2015)

    Sean Lange (8/26/2015)

    A bit late to the party and surprised nobody else commented on this yet. The reason you are having this problem in the first place is because you have two pieces of data in a single intersection. This violates 1NF and causes untold amount of pain. If you can separate the QuoteNumber and Revision into two columns this becomes simple because the revision number can be an integer so there are no gymnastics required to get the most recent revision.

    Well, to be fair, someone has already mentioned it:

    Alvin Ramard (8/11/2015)

    ...Would also be much easier, if the Rev # was stored as an integer in a separate column.

    Definitely worth a second mention, though 🙂

    haha I missed through the long list of responses. 🙂


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  • yeah it was designed poorly just trying to help them get some reporting from it by the max number.

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