Mass removal ofF permissions

  • Hi everyone

    Hope some one can offer some advise on this one. Know what I want to do but don't unfortunately have the knowledge to do it....

    I have a spreadsheet that contains details of permissions that need to be removed for security reasons.

    Spreadsheet has server, database, user and permission that needs removing.

    My thought was to export this list into a table. Then create some SQL to read the table and then remove the permission listed.

    If SQL statements could be generated for each removal task in the spreadsheet that would be ideal. I could then execute the TSQL where needed and use the generated scripts as evidence of removals conducted.

    That's my ideal scenario but don't have required knowledge to do it. If anyone could provide a solution that I could try to understand and learn from that would be most appreciated .

    Many thanks for any advise offered.

  • How about using another column on the spreadsheet to generate the (revoke?deny?) statements by concatenating some values?

    Then you'll just need to copy that column and execute it.

    It's just a thought.

    Luis C.
    General Disclaimer:
    Are you seriously taking the advice and code from someone from the internet without testing it? Do you at least understand it? Or can it easily kill your server?

    How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help: Option 1 / Option 2
  • You should be able to get the spreadsheet into a table by right-clicking on the database to load it into, selecting "Tasks", then "Import Data...", and go thru the wizard to load the table.

    Once the table's loaded, we can help you write code to generate dynamic SQL and run it.

    We'd need to know specifically what's in the "permissions" column, to know how to translate it into the equivalent SQL statement/command.

    SQL DBA,SQL Server MVP(07, 08, 09) "Money can't buy you happiness." Maybe so, but it can make your unhappiness a LOT more comfortable!

  • ScottPletcher (8/19/2014)

    You should be able to get the spreadsheet into a table by right-clicking on the database to load it into, selecting "Tasks", then "Import Data...", and go thru the wizard to load the table.

    Once the table's loaded, we can help you write code to generate dynamic SQL and run it.

    We'd need to know specifically what's in the "permissions" column, to know how to translate it into the equivalent SQL statement/command.


    Many thanks for your reply.

    I will get the table loaded asap and then let you know the column information.

    For my own piece of mind , was what I was thinking about the best way to do it , is it easily achievable ?


  • MickyD (8/19/2014)

    ScottPletcher (8/19/2014)

    You should be able to get the spreadsheet into a table by right-clicking on the database to load it into, selecting "Tasks", then "Import Data...", and go thru the wizard to load the table.

    Once the table's loaded, we can help you write code to generate dynamic SQL and run it.

    We'd need to know specifically what's in the "permissions" column, to know how to translate it into the equivalent SQL statement/command.


    Many thanks for your reply.

    I will get the table loaded asap and then let you know the column information.

    For my own piece of mind , was what I was thinking about the best way to do it , is it easily achievable ?


    It should be, assuming the "permissions" are clear and accurate enough to translate into actual SQL permissions.

    SQL DBA,SQL Server MVP(07, 08, 09) "Money can't buy you happiness." Maybe so, but it can make your unhappiness a LOT more comfortable!

  • Scott hi

    As requested. This will be the config of the table containing the removal data.

    ServerNameDatabase UsernameRole Permissions ActionLON1\INSTAAgencies ABC\320xxxdb_owner,db_datareader,db_datawriterRemove

    LON1\INSTAAgencies ABC\437xxxdb_datareaderRemove

    if the script could output results of the removal to the results pane I would use that as evidence of task complete.

    I.e. something like

    LON1\INSTA ABC\320xxx db_owner,db_datareader,db_datawriter permission removed from Agencies

    I plan to run the scripts against each server in turn at the moment. But going forward I might like to run it against a CMS containing the server names. Not sure if that will affect script.

    Not too concerned with out put as long as I can understand output I can config to suit.

    many thanks

  • Something like this should get you going pretty quickly. You can add the "documentation" part by adding a SELECT and/or PRINT to output a message about what is about to happen.

    CREATE TABLE #permissions (

    ServerName sysname NULL,

    [Database] sysname NULL,

    Username sysname NULL,

    [Role Permissions] varchar(8000) NULL,

    Action varchar(50) NULL


    TRUNCATE TABLE #permissions

    INSERT INTO #permissions

    SELECT 'LON1\INSTA', 'Agencies', 'ABC\320xxx', 'db_owner,db_datareader,db_datawriter', 'Remove' UNION ALL

    SELECT 'LON1\INSTA', 'Agencies', 'ABC\437xxx', 'db_datareader', 'Remove'


    SELECT p.ServerName, p.[Database], p.Username, split.Item, p.Action

    FROM #permissions p

    CROSS APPLY dbo.DelimitedSplit8k( p.[Role Permissions], ',') AS split

    --WHERE p.ServerName = @@SERVERNAME

    ORDER BY [Database], Username, split.ItemNumber

    DECLARE @ServerName sysname

    DECLARE @Database sysname

    DECLARE @Username sysname

    DECLARE @Item varchar(100)

    DECLARE @Action varchar(30)

    DECLARE @sql nvarchar(4000)

    OPEN cursor_permissions

    WHILE 1 = 1


    FETCH NEXT FROM cursor_permissions INTO @ServerName, @Database, @Username, @Item, @Action

    IF @@FETCH_STATUS = -1


    IF @@FETCH_STATUS = -2


    IF LEFT(@Database, 1) = '['

    SET @Database = REPLACE(REPLACE(@Database, '[', ''), ']', '')

    IF LEFT(@Username, 1) <> '['

    SET @Username = REPLACE(REPLACE(@Username, '[', ''), ']', '')

    IF @Action = 'Remove'


    SET @sql = 'USE [@Database]; EXEC sp_droprolemember ''@Item'', ''@Username'''


    '@Database', @Database),

    '@Item', @Item),

    '@Username', @Username)

    PRINT @sql


    END --IF


    DEALLOCATE cursor_permissions

    SQL DBA,SQL Server MVP(07, 08, 09) "Money can't buy you happiness." Maybe so, but it can make your unhappiness a LOT more comfortable!

  • Scott

    Thanks for this . Could you confirm if I need to add the select statement part ?

    Ideal situation would be to read this from a table that exists in another database ?

  • MickyD (8/19/2014)


    Thanks for this . Could you confirm if I need to add the select statement part ?

    Ideal situation would be to read this from a table that exists in another database ?

    Correct, you need to change the SELECT in the cursor to match your existing db. I used a temp table just to have data to test the code:


    DECLARE ...

    SELECT p.ServerName, p.[Database], p.Username, split.Item, p.Action

    FROM /*linked_server_name.*/db_name.dbo.table_name p


    SQL DBA,SQL Server MVP(07, 08, 09) "Money can't buy you happiness." Maybe so, but it can make your unhappiness a LOT more comfortable!

  • Thank you Scott

    Will test and text again to ensure I understand the process.

    Appreciate your efforts to help

  • Been working on this and still a bit stuck.

    What I need to achieve is an output which will go thru the table of contents and dynamically produce an output script that I can then run.

    Something like this.

    EXEC master..sp_dropsrvrolemember @loginame = N'Bob', @rolename = N'sysadmin'

    EXEC master..sp_dropsrvrolemember @loginame = N'Tom', @rolename = N'sysadmin'

    EXEC master..sp_dropsrvrolemember @loginame = N'Joe', @rolename = N'dbcreator'

    I have all the information in a SQL table , so just trying to pull that out into statement such as the above.


  • MickyD (8/20/2014)

    Been working on this and still a bit stuck.

    What I need to achieve is an output which will go thru the table of contents and dynamically produce an output script that I can then run.

    Something like this.

    EXEC master..sp_dropsrvrolemember @loginame = N'Bob', @rolename = N'sysadmin'

    EXEC master..sp_dropsrvrolemember @loginame = N'Tom', @rolename = N'sysadmin'

    EXEC master..sp_dropsrvrolemember @loginame = N'Joe', @rolename = N'dbcreator'

    I have all the information in a SQL table , so just trying to pull that out into statement such as the above.


    Are you modifying just role memberships or does the permission list also deny or revoke object level permissions (i.e. removing select permission on table dbo.bob to user joe)??


    "Ya can't make an omelette without breaking just a few eggs" 😉

  • Only requirement is to modify the role memberships , no object level permission changes as this stage.

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