Many aggregates in one query

  • I have the following tables:




    (SalesOrder_id, Product_id,Quantity, Sell_Price, Sale_Date)

    I want to produce a query that provides most profitable products, per year,week,month,day and overall.

    I can do these queries individually for example the top 5 profitable products per month

    SELECT TOP 5 P.Product_Name,DATEPART(MM,S.SaleDate) AS MoNTH(S.Sell_Price P.Cost_Price) * S.Quantity AS Profit

    FROM Products P INNER JOIN Sales S

    ON S.Product_id = P.Product_id

    GROUP BY P.Product_Name,DATEPART(MM,S.SaleDate)

    Is there a way to produce an output with profitable products per week, year etc in one query?

  • If there is sample data, Create table structure attached with your post - Then YES Of course!


    Product_id int CONSTRAINT pk_products_pid PRIMARY KEY

    ,ProductName varchar(10) null

    ,ProductType varchar(10) null

    ,cost_price float null



    SalesOrder_id int CONSTRAINT pk_Orders_sid PRIMARY KEY,

    Product_id INT CONSTRAINT fk_productSales_pid FOREIGN KEY REFERENCES Products(Product_id),

    ,quantity int null

    ,sales_price float null

    ,saledate datetime null


    insert into Products (product_id, productname,producttype,cost_price)

    select 1, tomato, veg, 55

    union all

    select 2, apple, fruit, 40

    union all

    select 3, peas, veg, 25

    union all

    select 4, orange, fruit, 30

    union all

    select 5, peach, fruit, 35

    insert into Sales (SalesOrder_id,product_id, quantity,sales_price,saledate)

    select 1,4, 10, 45, 03052012

    union all

    select 2,4, 5, 45, 08042012

    union all

    select 3,2, 6, 50, 15032012

    union all

    select 4,2, 3, 50, 08022012

    union all

    select 5,1, 10, 58, 29012012

    union all

    select 6,1, 10, 58, 24042012

    union all

  • And expected resutls?

  • Use this query

    -- Month wise

    Select P.ProductName , P.ProductType ,

    DATENAME(month, S.saledate ) +' '+CONVERT (VARCHAR,Year(s.saledate )) as 'Month Name' ,

    SUM((S.sales_price -cost_price)*S.quantity ) As Profit


    INNER JOIN SALES S ON P.Product_id =S.Product_id

    GROUP BY P.ProductName , P.ProductType , DATENAME(month, S.saledate ) +' '+CONVERT (VARCHAR,Year(s.saledate ))

    order by SUM((S.sales_price -cost_price)*S.quantity ) DESC

    Year and week wise can be get by group on the basis of Year or week

  • I think that T-SQL is simply the wrong tool for this particular job. T-SQL is designed to optimize transactional processing. While you can do basic analytical processing in T-SQL, complex OLAP is better done in a tool specifically designed to do OLAP such as SSAS.


    J. Drew Allen
    Business Intelligence Analyst
    Philadelphia, PA

  • Is there a way to produce an output with profitable products per week, year etc in one query?

    There is a way!

    But, how exactly do you want results to look like?

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  • eseosaoregie (5/8/2012)


    Product_id int CONSTRAINT pk_products_pid PRIMARY KEY

    ,ProductName varchar(10) null

    ,ProductType varchar(10) null

    ,cost_price float null



    SalesOrder_id int CONSTRAINT pk_Orders_sid PRIMARY KEY,

    Product_id INT CONSTRAINT fk_productSales_pid FOREIGN KEY REFERENCES Products(Product_id),

    ,quantity int null

    ,sales_price float null

    ,saledate datetime null


    insert into Products (product_id, productname,producttype,cost_price)

    select 1, tomato, veg, 55

    union all

    select 2, apple, fruit, 40

    union all

    select 3, peas, veg, 25

    union all

    select 4, orange, fruit, 30

    union all

    select 5, peach, fruit, 35

    insert into Sales (SalesOrder_id,product_id, quantity,sales_price,saledate)

    select 1,4, 10, 45, 03052012

    union all

    select 2,4, 5, 45, 08042012

    union all

    select 3,2, 6, 50, 15032012

    union all

    select 4,2, 3, 50, 08022012

    union all

    select 5,1, 10, 58, 29012012

    union all

    select 6,1, 10, 58, 24042012

    union all

    Three things.

    1. When you paste your code there into SSMS and execute, what happens? It fails due to numerous errors. Here's a fixed version if anyone wants to help you: -


    Product_id INT CONSTRAINT pk_products_pid PRIMARY KEY,

    ProductName VARCHAR(10) NULL,

    ProductType VARCHAR(10) NULL,

    cost_price FLOAT NULL);


    SalesOrder_id INT CONSTRAINT pk_Orders_sid PRIMARY KEY,

    Product_id INT CONSTRAINT fk_productSales_pid FOREIGN KEY REFERENCES Products(Product_id),

    quantity INT NULL,

    sales_price FLOAT NULL,

    saledate DATETIME NULL);

    INSERT INTO Products (product_id, productname, producttype, cost_price)

    SELECT product_id, productname, producttype, cost_price

    FROM (VALUES(1, 'tomato', 'veg', 55),

    (2, 'apple', 'fruit', 40),

    (3, 'peas', 'veg', 25),

    (4, 'orange', 'fruit', 30),

    (5, 'peach', 'fruit', 35)

    )a(product_id, productname, producttype, cost_price);

    INSERT INTO Sales (SalesOrder_id, product_id, quantity, sales_price, saledate)

    SELECT SalesOrder_id, product_id, quantity, sales_price, saledate

    FROM (VALUES(1,4, 10, 45, '2012-05-03'),

    (2,4, 5, 45, '2012-04-08'),

    (3,2, 6, 50, '2012-03-15'),

    (4,2, 3, 50, '2012-02-08'),

    (5,1, 10, 58, '2012-01-29'),

    (6,1, 10, 58, '2012-04-24')

    )a(SalesOrder_id, product_id, quantity, sales_price, saledate);

    2. You have no sample data there that can be grouped, as the aggregates by the year/month/week/day will all be the same (either 0 or the total). This is because you've not provided enough sample data. Please add more and include expected results based on your sample data.

    3. As Drew has mentioned, SQL isn't really designed for this sort of task. You can do it in SQL and we'll happily help you to, but for performance you should look at SSAS.

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  • I think you may end up with some type of union no matter what but here is my solution...Change DENSE_RANK to RANK if you need to.


    Product_id int

    ,ProductName varchar(10) null

    ,ProductType varchar(10) null

    ,cost_price float null



    SalesOrder_id int,

    Product_id INT,

    quantity int null,

    sales_price float null,

    saledate datetime null


    insert into @Products (product_id, productname,producttype,cost_price)

    select 1, 'tomato', 'veg', 55

    union all

    select 2, 'apple', 'fruit', 40

    union all

    select 3, 'peas', 'veg', 25

    union all

    select 4, 'orange', 'fruit', 30

    union all

    select 5, 'peach', 'fruit', 35

    insert into @Sales (SalesOrder_id,product_id, quantity,sales_price,saledate)

    select 1,4, 10, 45, '05-03-2012'


    select 1,4, 7, 50, '05-03-2012'


    select 1,4, 8, 55, '05-03-2012'


    select 1,4, 9, 56, '05-03-2012'


    select 1,4, 10, 57, '05-03-2012'


    select 1,4, 11, 58, '05-03-2012'


    select 1,4, 11, 62, '05-11-2012'

    union all

    select 2,4, 5, 45, '04-08-2012'

    union all

    select 3,2, 6, 50, '03-15-2012'

    union all

    select 4,2, 3, 50, '02-08-2012'

    union all

    select 5,1, 10, 58, '01-29-2012'

    union all

    select 6,1, 10, 58, '04-24-2012'




    Yr = DATEPART(year,saledate),

    Mnth = DATEPART(month,saledate),

    Wk = DATEPART(week,saledate),



    Profit = (S.sales_price - P.Cost_Price) * S.Quantity,

    YrRnk = DENSE_RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY DATEPART(year,saledate) ORDER BY (S.sales_price - P.Cost_Price) * S.Quantity DESC) ,

    MnthRnk = DENSE_RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY DATEPART(year,saledate),DATEPART(month,saledate) ORDER BY (S.sales_price - P.Cost_Price) * S.Quantity DESC),

    WkRnk = DENSE_RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY DATEPART(year,saledate),DATEPART(month,saledate),DATEPART(week,saledate) ORDER BY (S.sales_price - P.Cost_Price) * S.Quantity DESC),

    DateRnk = DENSE_RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY saledate ORDER BY (S.sales_price - P.Cost_Price) * S.Quantity DESC)


    ON s.Product_id = p.Product_id


    SELECT Grp = 'Year',Yr,Mnth,Wk,saledate,ProductName,Profit FROM CTE WHERE YrRnk <= 5


    SELECT 'Month',Yr,Mnth,Wk,saledate,ProductName,Profit FROM CTE WHERE MnthRnk <= 5


    SELECT 'Week',Yr,Mnth,Wk,saledate,ProductName,Profit FROM CTE WHERE WkRnk <= 5


    SELECT 'Day',Yr,Mnth,Wk,saledate,ProductName,Profit FROM CTE WHERE DateRnk <= 5

    ORDER BY 1,2,3,4,5,7,6


    This is one query...maybe :unsure:

  • ... complex OLAP is better done in a tool specifically designed to do OLAP such as SSAS...

    So far OP failed to present enough details about required output to judge on which technology is more appropriate. If he wants cube, yes, it's OLAP and SSAS would be one of the tools to use.

    However, if he just need flat output, T-SQL will handle it just as fine.

    "The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing"
    "O skol'ko nam otkrytiy chudnyh prevnosit microsofta duh!":-D
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  • Eugene Elutin (5/9/2012)

    ... complex OLAP is better done in a tool specifically designed to do OLAP such as SSAS...

    So far OP failed to present enough details about required output to judge on which technology is more appropriate. If he wants cube, yes, it's OLAP and SSAS would be one of the tools to use.

    However, if he just need flat output, T-SQL will handle it just as fine.

    I actually think that OP has provided enough information. They said that they need the top 5 products per year, month, week, day, and overall. In T-SQL, that would require five separate rankings: one for each level of detail. In an OLAP cube, it would only be one ranking evaluated in the current context.

    If the OP were asking for simple counts or sums, it would be much less clear, because those functions are fully additive. TOP (n) queries are non-additive, so you can't base the results of a larger grouping on the results of smaller groupings. This non-additive nature of TOP (n) queries is the main reason that SSAS is much better suited for this than T-SQL.



    J. Drew Allen
    Business Intelligence Analyst
    Philadelphia, PA

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