Make matrix look like a table

  • Hello:

    I've used a matrix in my report because I need to have a column grouping in order for my counts to display correctly, but I need it to look like a table in that every field is displayed. For example, if there are 3 groups scheduled for one day, my matrix displays it like this:

    3/16/2010-----Group A

    ---------------Group B

    ---------------Group C

    I need it to display like this:

    3/16/2010-----Group A

    3/16/2010-----Group B

    3/16/2010-----Group C

    The users open it as an Excel spreadsheet, so it's easier to read when it looks like a table. Does anyone know if it's possible to do this? Thanks!

  • Hi, is it not possible to amend you data set so that it groups the data in the format you want it?

  • say your query returns data like so

    date Groups

    ------- -------

    03/17/10 A

    03/17/10 B

    03/17/10 C

    on the matrix create a row group that first groups by Groups field & then by Dates something like

    Fields!Groups.Value & then Fields!Dates.Value

    in the textbox expression Enter: Fields!Dates.Value

    then you may add the second column (groups) in the data fields or may created a second group that groups on Fields!Groups.Value.

    This will solve your issue, have tried works.

  • Thanks to you both for responding! Vishal, that worked perfectly--thanks a million! 😀

    Just one more formatting question: I have a number of row groups and only one column group. The column group displays in the last column of the report (i.e., on the far right). Is there any way to display it at the beginning of the report (on the far left) instead?


  • No sorry you can control how the matrix expands (i.e if you have multiple columns - LTR/RTL) but now the position. For switching positions you are better off using table.

  • I suspected as much. 🙂 Thanks so much for your help!

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