Maintenance Plan Optimization Failed

  • Hi

    I've got a maintenance plan trying to reindex my tables. But it fails with

    "DBCC failed because the following SET options have incorrect settings: 'QUOTED_IDENTIFIER, ARITHABORT'."

    It works in QA with

    DBCC DBREINDEX ('Table')

    The KB-article;en-us;q301292


    "DBCC CHECKTABLE, DBCC DBREINDEX and DBCC CHECKDB may fail with the following error message if the database contains a table that has an index on a computed column."

    but I don't have a computed column in my index.

    The primary key (the only index) consists of the following columns:

    Date smalldatetime

    Country char(2)

    Product char(4)

    The other columns are two integers, a and b, and one computed column, c = a - b.

    I don't want to create a script to optimize one of the databases.


  • Did you check if there is a system created index on the computed column. Query sysindexes for any indexes with a name like "_WA_sys_". You won't see them in EM and I'm not sure if such an index would cause the same error, but better be sure. The reason why DBCC Reindex works in QA is probably because QA by default uses the connection settings QUOTED_IDENTIFIER and ARITHABORT ON. You can test it while turning off the settings under Tools> Options> Connectio Properties.

    Good luck


    [font="Verdana"]Markus Bohse[/font]

  • Thanks.

    I removed the statistics for the computed column and now it works. In this case it's not a problem to remove the statistics but it can be in other cases.


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