maintenance plan details

  • Hi All,

    Can anbody tell me how can we get maintenance plan details for scheduled backup, database integrity checks, reorg, reporting etc like...

    (I know we can get this through enterprise manager, But I want it by using any script or commands or any SP. Bcoz i want to create script where i can use this)

    1) Backup location

    2) Backup retention period

    3) backup scheduled time

    4) reorg is anable or not

    5) integrity checks enable or not

    6) tran log backup enable or not if yes then time , retetion period

    I know this is very hard to get but, if some get this i will be very greatfull.


  • To giv it a start:

    select name as Job_Name,substring(command,charindex(' -',command),100) as Commandsd,sd.database_name

    from msdb..sysjobsteps js join msdb..sysdbmaintplan_jobs jp



    join msdb.. sysjobs sj on


    join msdb..sysdbmaintplan_databases sd

    on sd.plan_id=jp.plan_id


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