Maintenance Plan Designer

  • I can't find a forum with any information so I have come here.

    I have a problem with the maintenance plan designer on a particular server; it isn't there.

    When I try to create a new maintenance plan I am presented with a tabbed form that says Maintenance Plan (Design) and that's it. There are no options to add sub-plans or any of the other menu items I find on other servers.

    I've also found any maintenance plan I do create through this thing won't work, nor can it be opened from another server. If I create a maintenance plan on another server for this one, I can't open it on the problem server.

    Everything works fine on my other servers, it's just this one. Any ideas what may be wrong?


  • Did you install Integration Services? Do you have SP2 for SQL Server 2005 installed?


    Regards,Yelena Varsha

  • presuming this to be a regular SQL Standard Edition or better (not Express or other OEM/crippled version), I would assume that you have some corruption (whether database, registry or service) on this one instance [OK so no news there!]

    It is _possible_ that re-applying a service pack would fix the problem [at least is a fairly easy and painless first step!]

    The maintplans are saved within msdb database such as these tables



    and sprocs. Profiler can demonstrate what the designer is trying to do to the back-end (perhaps it also uses flat-file templates that filemon could illuminate)

    I would suggest that you consider stopping SQLAgent (and any other consumers), then backup msdb and restore a copy from a good instance. Try the maintplan designer again

    if it now works then the problem is within your old msdb (maybe keep this msdb but script out jobs etc from the other), or elsewhere (restore your original msdb from dump and plan a re-install!). Restart SQLAgent.

    I have not hit this problem on any of my systems, but your mileage may vary as they say

    - keeping dumps [forever!] means you could go way back to old msdb and binary-chop to find good un as recent as poss

    let us know how you fare!



  • Is revision 1399 the original release? :unsure: That's what on this server. :pinch:


  • yup, 1399 is RTM

    you should be on SP2 (9.0.3159), unless you want to stick your neck out for "Cumulative Update 6"


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