Maintenance Plan - All Jobs are failed!!!

  • Hi All,

    All jobs are failing on one SQL Server 2005 since 5 days

    there is no space issue,no blocking process issue.i checked many times bt i m unable to diagnose the cause of failure.

    error is sqlmaint.exe is failed showing in job history



  • Do you have more specific error messages? (see LOGs)

    Can you manually execute the command when you copy the code from the job to a query window?

    Has anything changed 5 days ago?

    Try restarting the SQL Agent service...

    ** Don't mistake the ‘stupidity of the crowd’ for the ‘wisdom of the group’! **
  • Check who owns the jobs under SQL Server Agent - could be a user that does not have permissions to execute the tasks. Job ownership changes if you edit an existing plan using a different account.

  • Here's something to try. Create a very basic test job with a single step comprising of a nonsensical step that will pass, such as use 'msdb' If that fails, something strange may have occurred. Try restarting SQL Server Agent in case something went wonky with the underlying program files/.dll's (if this is a production environment, make sure you aren't impacting any running jobs, or you can schedule it for a maintenance window).

    We also have failures when a SQL Server database has to pick up a file, either from another database or from one of the vendor's we deal with, and if the format gets changed or the file is not detected, we get a failure. Try and look in the job history to nail down at which step it failed so at least you can narrow it down.

    "In theory, theory and practice are the same. In practice, they are not."
    - Albert Einstein

  • I had a similar problem some time back and discoverd that I (domain user) owned the jobs and i had changed my password so I changed the jobs to run as 'sa' - that sorted out my problem

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