Loop In a Select

  • Hey all,

    Is it possible to have a loop in a select statement or do I have to use cursors?

    Suppose I have a table

    Create Table #test


          x INT, y INT, total INT


    May contain the values at present:

          1, 5, NULL

          2, 7, NULL

          3, 4, NULL

          1, 6, NULL

    I want to update the total from the x and y columns.  Given the formula:

    total = 100 / 2^x + 100 / 2^(x+1) + 100 / 2^(x+2) ... 100 / 2^y

    So in theory it is the total of 100 / 2 to the power of x through to y.

    Can this be done from a SELECT? 

    Or is it a case of writing a cursor or a loop in plain old SQL?

    char z;



  • declare

    @zeno table(PK int identity primary key, x INT, y INT, total INT)



    select 1, 1 union all
    select 1, 2 union all
    select 1, 3 union all
    select 1, 4 union all
    select 1, 5 union all
    select 2, 7 union all
    select 3, 4 union all
    select 1, 6

    --create a numbers table: can often be used to avoid loops


    @numbers table(num int identity,nul tinyint)


    @numbers(nul) select null from syscolumns




    total = V.total


    @zeno z




    PK, sum(100/power(2, num)) total


    @zeno t


    @numbers n

    on n.num between t.x and t.y


    by PK




    z.PK = V.PK


    * from @zeno

    Tim Wilkinson

    "If it doesn't work in practice, you're using the wrong theory"
    - Immanuel Kant

  • Thanks for that Tim.


    Nice thinking...

  • Paul

    Here's a solution that doesn't use a numbers table.  It will work in your situation but it may be fairly difficult to generalise!

    First off, I assume you have a constraint or something else that checks that x < y?  If so, a bit of mathematical analysis reveals that 1/2^x + ... + 1/2^y is equivalent to 2^(1-x) - 2^(-y).  So then your query is:

    Create Table #test


          x INT, y INT, total INT null


    insert into #test

    select 1, 5, null union all

    select 2, 7, null union all

    select 3, 4, null union all

    select 1, 6, null

    update #test set total = 100 * ( power(2.0000, 1 - x) - power(2.0000, -y) )

    select * from #test

    --Result set

    x           y           total      

    ----------- ----------- -----------

    1           5           96

    2           7           49

    3           4           18

    1           6           98

    This method also has the advantage that, since it only adds (or subtracts) two values in the expression, there is less room for rounding errors than if you evaluate every value from x to y individually.  Bear in mind, however that, since you have defined your total column as int, you don't get exact values.


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