Lookup bug in SP2?

  • I have installed SP3 on my notebook and the packages are working fine.

    One of the packages on the production environment (that, btw, is on SP2 fix level) produce a strange error.

    I must lookup two different date: the order date and the order modification date.

    If the order is not modified, then the modification date is set equal to order date.

    I am sure the both the date are equal, since the data is on a stage table and I have checked for this.

    I have two lookup component and the order date lookup works fine but the package fails because is "Row yielded no match during lookup." on the second lookup.

    Of course is impossible because the first is not failing (and I have populated the time table with all the date until 2010).

    Any idea or knowledge of similar bug fixed in sp3?

    Many thanks.

  • Hi

    With out sounding negative, let me share my experience.

    Currently I'm running VS2005 8.0.5 no serice pack and net 2.0 sp 2. I had all the latest service packs installed but keep running into problems. The main problem was as soon as I copied 1 package to a new package via File Explorer, it would open the package but then all of a sudden it would give me strange errors on the script component. The only way out of this was to reinstall VS and net framework. This happend to me 2 or 3 times and that means a full day of un and re installing. Then I got wise, I didnt install the service packs, I also disable the auto updates from microsoft and didnt install any updates for VS or SSIS from them.

    It's been more than 2 months now since my last install and I've no problem with VS or SSIS again.

    My 2 cents, dont install any of those service packs, it messes up something in SSIS!


  • Thank you Chris.

    We have installed SP3 on the production server and this fix the problem.

    I have not found any reference in release notes that will suggest this solution, but it was the only difference (except Operating System) between my notebook and the server.

  • Hi Giancarlo

    Great to hear it is sorted now. Goes to show that you need to be very careful with the service packs and which ones are installed.

  • You are right but I have not specified that I have Vista on my notebook, since it has a 4GB ram.

    Yes, I know. Just 3.7GB are available and I can use XP 64bits... 🙂

    So, I was forced to install SP and I had continued....

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